A passion for business analytics and a desire to help shore up the potential shortage of data professionals led to the creation...
Technology is a part of every aspect of our lives, so it was only a matter of time before it makes its...
There are many students at school or college who really struggle when it comes to their homework or grades. For some, there...
Our world is getting smarter by the day. Technological innovations such as AI and robotics are disrupting almost every industry, forcing most...
There are many blockchain platforms out there but have you heard of bitJob? A decentralized peer-to-peer marketplace meant for the global student...
We can no longer deny that social media and technology are becoming part of everyone’s lifestyle. From our schedules to our fitness...
Financial technology has grown in significance in recent times. More U.S universities have announced that they will be teaching students to become...
Hamburg Sutor Bank supports Startup Fintiba with a fully digital process opening of outsize payment accounts for international students. Fintiba positioned itself...
Last year, worldwide investment in financial technology totalled US$22.3 billion. As global investment in the fintech market continues to increase, taking fintech...
Crowdfunding sites have emerged as means to make personal dreams a reality through collective microfinancing. Teachers and students are harnessing the power...