Guest blogging is an excellent content marketing technique in which an individual writes and publishes a blog entry on another individual or organization’s blog in exchange for some kind of credit or” Sponsor” credit. This credit may be rewarded with a banner link, a text link, or perhaps even a special social media icon. Really truly useful blog posts achieve both goals by showing the author’s experience on a particular topic and providing free original content for the visitor/buyer. It is definitely worth considering when building a guest blog roster.
The most important benefit of guest blogging inbound SEO is that it allows the SEO practitioner to display his/her expertise in an area of interest to the visitor and the search engine spiders. The guest blogger not only helps establish one’s authority in the field, but also makes an additional contribution to the existing customer base. This additional contribution creates a larger “roll” of backlinks for the blog or site and, consequently, a higher page rank. Therefore guest blogging inbound SEO is an excellent way to create new inbound links.
Guest blogging, as its name suggests, is done by someone other than the actual author of the content or blog. In other words, it is done by a “Guest Blogger”. In many cases, the person doing the guest blogging is an experienced professional within the specific niche and has made a good contribution to the relevant blog or website. Sometimes the contributor has substantial knowledge about the niche or industry and will write an expert bio. Other times, the bio is simply a sales pitch for the writer.
There are two major benefits of guest blogging. First, it allows the SEO practitioner to establish credibility and expertise in his/her specific field. This provides a great deal of benefit to the newcomer who may not be as familiar with the field as the more established practitioners. When readers see that a new blog post is written by someone who really knows what they are talking about, it helps build trust and confidence in that individual and his/her expertise. Secondly, guest blogging also enables a greater number of people to read blog posts, thereby building the SEO popularity of the site or blog.
Another benefit of guest blogging relates to targeting the right audience. With a large number of guest bloggers from different industries and geographic regions, a business can target the appropriate audience based on geography, language, age, or interests. It is important to select guest bloggers with an interest in the target industry. For instance, if a travel blog targets the travel industry, then a female travel writer would be more valuable than one with an interest in a city like Boston. As such, a large geographical area, such as New York City, would make it more beneficial to post a travel article than a New England based travel writer.
One last benefit of guest blogging relates to the creation of credibility. When a business has guest bloggers from a variety of backgrounds and experience levels, it creates the opportunity to offer a wide range of guest post options to build a wider readership base. This in turn, makes the content more valuable to your readers. In addition to a greater level of credibility, a guest blogger offers added insight that the regular writer might not have. This means that the guest post provides additional information and can prove to be a valuable addition to a website.