There is always a lot of talk going on about different marketing strategies on the internet. Various marketing experts offer different viewpoints on these techniques for being bad or profitable. And until everything is ok with Google, people keep conducting these techniques whether they are working for their businesses or not. Likewise, guest posting is a marketing strategy that people drive by themselves or using the best guest posting services with great benefits and visible effects, that is, if performed well.Â
This method has also gained several critics and called different names. It has been around for a longer time than many other techniques and is still proclaimed by several businesses. However, the experts all have various perspectives on it, and some try to stop people from accessing guest posting as a proven marketing strategy, and for good reasons too.Â
People using guest blogging often start spamming the internet and users to get more leads and followers. This practice is highly disliked by Google and its users. But while following the best practices and guides of experts, you can run the exercise constructively. For this reason, we’ve prepared some hard facts about guest posting and its outcomes:
Any Size of Business
A plus point and a primary reason businesses use this technique is that it can work for any business size. Guest blogging doesn’t need a big budget and highly skilled people to perform the tasks. You can do this by yourself, even if you’re a blog. This technique provides great exposure for anyone who wants to rank higher on the search engine and get more eyeballs on their site. Hence, any website, business, or brand can get something from this method. You only need to write favorable articles according to the need of high authority and get them accepted or hire an outsourced team to do all the work and supply better-researched content.Â
Fuels SEO
Websites primarily run on SEO for all kinds of lead generations and ranking needs. This is the most used and favored strategy by Google as well. It helps get the website its organic leads and audiences to help it rank higher and get more credibility on the search engine. Hence, it is very important for every site, and guest posting is a technique that can fuel this practice. This happens when you use guest posting as a long term technique that isn’t just for gaining links. You must analyze the results you get from different blogs by writing their content and driving them to your website’s various pages. Use the data to target more audiences to empower the SEO with it.
Search for Write for Us
There are several ways to start constructing your guest posting game and building the traffic. However, these methods all take time and effort to satisfy the first blogger to get their backlinks. But a better way to reach out and get access over bloggers is by searching for terms like ‘write for us’, ‘contribute’, and so on to get straight to the guest writing pages of authority blogs. This way, you get to pitch to several blogs at once and acquire responses from them. Another way is to cold email blogs and provide pitches for different ideas and authentic blog posts.Â
Needs Some Serious Work
Neil Patel said, “If you want the mutually beneficial payoff from guest blogging, you need to do some serious work”. So don’t take this practice as a joke and make sure that you provide great content and pitch to the right bloggers to get good backlinks. You don’t want to end up in Google’s spam folder and be blocked from any marketing activity, so make sure you concentrate on quality content supplied to quality blogs by pitching once.Â
But the work isn’t done there; you need to bring in the audiences and all the traffic from your backlinks constructively so that it doesn’t go to waste. This is very important. Ensure to have a thorough conversion plan and make the traffic land on helpful pages and landing pages that make it a part of your customer base or audience.Â