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Tmrpk Tennakoon: Is the universe finite ?

TMRPK Tennakoon is an astrophysicist at the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC-NASA)

Your Mind is a powerful entity; change your mind, and it will change your Life”.


Dimension is but an appearance, an effect of motion, and is non-existent.

A mile between apparent objects is nonexistent with the disappearance of the objects.

Man’s fixed concept of a universe of innumerable objects separated by relative and measurable distances unfits him for thinking of the universe in any but a relative sense.

Man must think in light for true comprehension of the Mind.

All men may think in the higher octaves of light when they but comprehend, for with comprehension comes power.

To think in light is not a new power being evolved by man like a new sense; it is a power that is already in every atom of man’s composition.

Man thinks in the low octaves of his own integration almost unaware that the higher octaves are within him, for the lower octaves are superimposed upon the higher. The higher octaves of incredibly higher speeds are within the lower octaves of high potential but slow speed.

The man may shift his thinking from the low speed of his outer mind to the higher speeds of his inner Mind at will, even as he can shift the gears of his motor car.

Man’s thinking in his low octaves of bodily integration is like a man running his motor on low gear ignorant of the fact that he has higher gears. Man’s thinking in the higher octaves is like a man who is aware of the higher gears in his car and knowingly uses them.

The Universal Mind thinks in light and registers that thinking in light which is integrated into the idea of the thinking, and suspended for a time in the lower oc-Laves of light in the appearance of form.

Man’s outer mind is an integration of light in the lower octaves of that which he calls “matter” and man’s outer mind thinks in the dimensions, or illusions, of Mind or matter.

Matter and Mind and light and energy are the same. They are One.

They are existent in that they never disappear.

They are constant. They are eternal.

Dimension of Mind, or light, or matter, or energy is but the illusion of the Mind substance due solely to more or less sustained motion.

The substance which is Mind, or light, or matter, or energy, and is eternally existent as cause, must not be confused with its effects in motion which are but dimensions and therefore non-existent.

Dimension is purely objective.

Outer mind thinking is objective thinking. Objective thinking is thinking in dimension.

The substance of matter is eternal but its illusions of dimension, in form, are fleeting.

Matter is frozen light, crystallized light of man’s own lower octaves of thinking, so, even in outer mind thinking, man thinks in light, but it is meaningless to him.

Man’s inner Mind is light of the high octaves of inspirational, ecstatic thinking.

To man’s inner vision light is always light. It never disappears. Inner Mind thinking is subjective thinking.

Subjective thinking is dimensionless thinking. The inner Mind of man knows no darkness.

Light knows light; and all that is, is light.

In the high speeds of inner thinking matter is dimensionless.

The universe of Mind is dimensionless,

The universe of the idea of Mind is a universe of dimension.

The created universe is the idea of the Mind. It is the divine concept of a universe of motion and the apparent separability of the One Thing into the appearance of many individual things.

Mind is all there is. It has no limitations as to shape, size, or volume, for these qualities are but appearances and have no real existence.

Mind is limited, however, in its power, its knowledge, and its imagination, the last of which is its creative force.

All of the effects, of which the Mind is the cause, are measurable in that they have the appearance of dimension.

All dimensions are limited, therefore must all causes be limited.

The mind cannot create infinite complexity. Beyond the ten-octave cycle of cause and its included effects, the Mind cannot go.

All effects evolve to their limit and devolve back again into cause without any change whatsoever taking place in the cause.

The limitations of the Mind are absolute.

A limited universe cannot be an infinite universe.

This concept is extremely difficult for man to comprehend, for man has a fixed concept of a nonexistent effect called “space.”

This mis-concept is born of his fixed idea of a universe separable into parts, all of which are related one to another in shape, size, volume, and the intervals of distance between them.

To man, space and distance are fixed attributes of all his concepts and limit his comprehension.

Man has built a mis-concept of an infinite universe of infinite extension.

The objective universe of man’s concept demands a “beyond” to a finite universe. But there is no “beyond” because there are no bounds nor boundaries in this formless universe.

If space is non-existent then extension or continuity is non-existent, and there can be no “beyond.” “Beyond” is a relative word, It is part of man’s concept of objective relativity, It is a dimension.

It is based on a belief in the reality of the unrealities of dimension and separateness in a universe of the One Thing.

Man’s sense of reasoning does not accept the idea of the universe as a finite volume, such as a sphere, hanging in a vacuum, beyond which, to his objective thinking, there must be more space.

For this reason, he has formulated the belief that a finite universe is inconceivable to the human mind, therefore the universe must be infinite.

Man’s outer mind reasoning, which is objective, does not stop to consider that an infinite universe is more inconceivable to the human mind than a finite one; but that same reasoning is willing to accept the palpably incomprehensible and relegate it to the domain of divinity, which is admittedly incomprehensible, rather than concentrate the inner Mind upon the higher octaves of thinking and learn the truth in light.

Einstein rightly says that the universe is finite, but wrongly says that it has form. This great thinker declares his belief that the universe is spherical or elliptical.

Einstein followed BUDDHA’S footsteps and Einstein rightly says that any line of direction in that appearance which man calls space is curved and that, presumably, any continuous line in space would curve ultimately back to its point of beginning, therefore the universe must be either spherical or quasi-spherical.

This curving, however, is not because the One substance of Mind has a finite form or shape, but because all effects of motion are universal, and every effect of motion is an action that must end where it began, in its final reaction. Direction, therefore, can never be in a straight line but must always be curved.

The reason why all lines must be curved lines, and also why all curved lines must be spiral in their curvature, will be written down in all exactness in its proper place.

Any apparent disturbance in the substance of Mind indeed returns unto itself, unto its exact apparent point of beginning in a sequence of reproduced waves which spell out the appearance of another non-existent effect called “time.”

Man’s fixed concept of the reality of time is a drag anchor holding him away from the truth. His fixed concept of intervals of time in which one effect of motion in one “part” of the universe makes its appearance in another ” part” is the result of such purely objective thinking that true concepts cannot replace them as long as this method of thinking persists.

There are no “parts” to Mind substance, no “place” and no “position.” Every part is the same part, and every place and position is the same place and position.

Thinking is universal and all effects of thinking are universal.

More than this, they are simultaneously universal, for thinking is simultaneously universal

Even the little child tossing a ball 016/CS the universe simultaneously with that tossing.

All motion is simultaneously universal in this universe of equilibrium.

Sequence is an appearance due to form. It has no existence in itself and without form it would not have even the appearance of existence.

All form is purely a question of gravitational intensity and therefore has no existence.

Time itself is an effect of gravitation and has no existence. Like heat, it is but an indicator that registers sequence in integration as heat registers resistance to integration.

The reproductions and effects of motion and their attendant unrealities do not in any way change the universal substance of Mind, the one reality, the one unchanging, indivisible, ultimate substance of all that is.

Add to the non-existent appearances “form,” space” and “time,” two others which obsess man’s mind, “position” and “dimension,” and the relator can readily perceive that, with these non-existent unrealities firmly fixed in his mind as existent realities, it would be impossible for man to accept the idea of a finite universe.

To do so he would have to imagine a form hanging like a ball in a void, to which there must be an empty inconceivable beyond.

Man’s outer mind is so accustomed to thinking reality into the unrealities of space, time, motion, form, position, and dimension of an objective universe, that it is hard for him to adjust his thinking to a subjective universe in which the unrealities disappear into the reality of light.

Man’s inner Mind thinks in light, freed in its thinking from the illusions of outer mind thinking.

Einstein’s error is in attaching to the substance of Mind the attributes which belong solely to the dimension of the substance in its appearance as form.

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