In the bustling urban transportation arena, Wave is a beacon of innovation, particularly for those often left behind. CEO Diondre Lewis champions...
Professional athletes compete fiercely against one another, always looking for ways to improve their performance and get an advantage. Becoming a top-tier...
If you have ever heard anyone mention gel blasters, then you know that this is an increasingly popular sport. From backyard fun...
Lacoste is the latest brand to jump into Web3 with the launch of UNDW3 (pronounced underwater). This universe will allow the community...
Non-fungible tokens continue to gain popularity as data records an increasing market cap closing in on the $18 billion mark. Ideally, NFTs...
StarNews Mobile aims to become Africa’s leading mobile video and news network for Sport, music, food, entertainment, religion and so much more. The...
Technology is increasingly becoming an essential part of sports and the growth of sports activities is opening possibility for technology integration. Many...