
SingularityNET’s ERC20 Converter Goes Live, Bridges Ethereum to Cardano and Back

Ethereum to Cardano

SingularityNET’s ERC20 converter bridge went  live on April 18, at 15:00 UTC. The converter bridges Ethereum to Cardano, allowing AGIX and NTX holders to convert their AGIX/NTX-ETH tokens to AGIX/NTX-ADA and back. The Converter Bridge is a very significant milestone in SingularityNET’s Phase Two efforts, and brings us one step further in our historic expansion. 

SingularityNET and Cardano projects have always valued open collaboration and interoperability, and this bridge is a celebration of both. Conversion between the Ethereum and Cardano blockchains of the SingularityNET and NuNet tokens, AGIX and NTX, will be supported at launch. 

Speaking on the converter, Ben Goertzel, CEO of SingularityNET, said, “The importance of this port for SingularityNET and the whole blockchain and AI ecosystems cannot be overestimated – it will yield not only a far faster and more economical AI network, but also a massively superior foundation for adding advanced new functions to SingularityNET and moving toward realizing our vision of decentralized AGI.”

The converter will be an opportunity for Ethereum-Cardano interoperability for other eligible ERC-20 tokens, as well in the future. Both SingularitNET and IOG teams have worked with great dedication on the converter, and it has been a pleasure to co-create  the Bridge.

The ERC-20 Converter bridge supports both AGIX and NTX conversion between the Ethereum and Cardano Blockchains right from the launch. Instructions for using the Converter can be found in the SingularityNET Converter GitBook, and the user-friendly interface of the Converter will guide the entire process.

About SingularityNET: SingularityNET is a fully-fledged AI ecosystem with a rich community all working toward the global distribution of AI. It is the first and only decentralized platform allowing AIs to cooperate and coordinate at scale, while enabling everyone to take advantage of a global network of AI algorithms, services, and agents. No longer must AI technology exist in silos, only capable of operating within a specific company, infrastructure, or industry.

For further information contact: 

Name: Peter Elfrink

Company: SingularityNET




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