At first, blockchain technology was synonymous with Bitcoin. Then other cryptocurrencies sprung up, and after that, the vast advantages of blockchain in applications that had little or nothing to do with crypto or finance became apparent, and the distributed ledger made its way into various industries. One of those industries is gaming, and one startup just launched a breakthrough gaming-rewards platform enabling users to play games and earn rewards, paid out in EOS.
Projected to grow to $124.6 billion by the end of 2020, the gaming industry has been relatively slow in adopting blockchain, but that is quickly changing. The use of blockchain and its advantages have been realized by the gaming industry and many are working toward building games based on the decentralized technology. There are many blockchain based games today, but the real integration of the technology in mainstream games leaves still a lot to be desired.
Spielworks is a gaming startup that merges blockchain with mainstream gaming. Incubated in 2018 by one of the leading blockchain backing and consulting firms, CHAINWISE Group, Spielworks not only allows users to earn EOS through playing games, but gives them an opportunity to deposit it seamlessly into the Wombat digital wallet.
Spielworks is headed by Swen E. Hallasch and Adrian Krion, two avid gamers and blockchain experts who believe that their different approach towards paying out earned rewards to games directly in the form of EOS boosts the gaming experience. The intention here is to give the users a way to earn tokens that have real life applications, promote gaming and spread the word about blockchain at same time.
Womplay by Spielworks
On a mission to bring the benefits of blockchain and EOS to every gamer, Spielworks has launched Womplay, a gaming-rewards platform, allowing gamers earn EOS through:
- Completing tasks and unlocking achievements within games.
- Winning offered contests on Womplay.
- Certain in-game actions or performances.
- Taking part in cash-out events.
- Helping spread the word of Womplay by referring more games.
The platform also has its internal Wombucks, which can be earned and then redeemed for EOS. Womplay currently supports many mainstream mobile and browser based games such as Hero Zero, Elvenar, Forge of Empires and many others.
CEO and Founder of Spielworks, Adrian Krion talked about Womplay enabling games and gamers that have nothing to do with blockchain to be integrated into the industry;
“The platform will initiate avid gamers who may have never been exposed to blockchain, with the ability to hold, manage, and use their digital goods quite seamlessly…Our integration of non-blockchain games highlights our drive to bring the benefits of blockchain and EOS to every gamer.”
Womplay has more than 20 games integrated and is planning to include more over the next months.
Wombat Wallet
Womplay users receive their rewards on their own Wombat wallet, which is integral to the platform itself. Launched in June 2019, the wallet has been an immense success. Already boasting more than 300,000 users from every corner of the world and 160 countries. This makes Wombat the largest wallet to bring in new users on the EOS network.
Wombat has been designed keeping in mind that games use different platforms and operating systems to play. Wombat currently supports Android, iOS and even Google Chrome, making Wombat the most versatile wallet for EOS in the world.
Wombat not only allows players to set up a free EOS account, but also supports Telos. Womplay makes the Wombat wallet a launchpad for blockchain based games, giving the opportunity for these games to be exposed to players who can not only search for different dApp based games, but also play and bring in new gamers.
Gamers can head over to the Womplay website and easily register. The registration gives them a free Wombat wallet where their rewards are deposited. Users easily select games from three different lists:
- Top Earning: Games that have the most rewards are listed here.
- Challenges: Take out your opponent in these competitive games and win cash.
- Quick Play: Short games with high intensity for the people who just want to play and don’t have the time for long, time taking challenges.
To get a complete list of the high quality games on Womplay, head over to their website today.