Interviews and Reviews

Meet Soufiane Bounouader: A Blockchain Engineer, Web Designer, Developer, and an Entrepreneur

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”  

Jim Rohn

Entering the entrepreneurship arena is a daunting task. And not many people have the guts to wear the entrepreneurship cape. That’s the reason behind the phenomenal percentage difference between the number of employees and employers worldwide. 

Starting your own venture is risky, especially when you have limited resources and unlimited responsibilities for supporting the family. Many people from lower or middle class families prefer a job over starting a business. 

As soon as they complete their education, they start hunting for jobs. In 2018, 18-year-old Soufiane also faced this dilemma. His friends, classmates, and people his age were striving to land a part-time job to meet both ends.

However, Soufiane didn’t follow in their footsteps. Instead, he decided to keep learning on his own. The 18-year-old Soufiane in Morocco began his learning journey. He researched his best friend and learned plenty of things about web designing, developing, blockchain engineering, NFTs, and even investments. 

Soufiane followed the successful people and tried implementing their advice into his life. One of the lessons that he learned from successful personalities is to have multiple income streams. At the age of 22, Soufiane has diverse income sources. He earns from his business, enjoys profits from his NFT investments, and offers digital services to his clients.

Was self-learning the only thing that made Soufiane an entrepreneur and one of the best web developers in Morocco?

Learning indeed played an important role in Soufiane’s success. But, it was his dedication to providing value to his clients that brought him success. Soufiane wanted to charge for his web designing, development, and marketing skills after refining and polishing them. He didn’t want to deliver sub-standard work in the market. Hence, he practiced his skills until he was convinced he could provide quality work to his clients.

Soufiane emphasizes delivering value to customers and seeing them as more than just an income source. “Build a relationship with your customers. Care about their problems and not just their money…” he once advised his social media follower who asked him about customer retention.

The 22-year-old Soufiane has worked with many businesses belonging to different niches. He deeply studies the business, product, brand voice, and values. He then uses the power of his skills to create a stellar business website. He is against using the same website design template for every business. He is more inclined towards a tailor-made approach for his clients.

Besides web designing and development, Soufiane also has a learning background in web marketing. He creates mind-blowing marketing strategies to promote the business, sky-rocket its sales, and drive more website traffic. The clients get a wonderful combo of remarkable web design, top-notch development, and a targeted marketing strategy to create a buzz and increase brand awareness.

SXBCO, which is Soufiane’s firm, is expanding its horizons. The young and enthusiastic entrepreneur is working on his most awaited project for growing his business.

Soufiane’s learning journey, work ethic, experience, and networking with successful people is inspiring for young adults who are passionate about pursuing their dreams. 

To get more snippets of Soufiane’s life and his work, follow him on:

Instagram: @Pyrosxb
Website Coming Soon:

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