As the Covid19 pandemic has forced million to isolation, people have been confined to their homes. In order to keep themselves engaged and relaxed, people have been looking around for entertainment options. Consequently, many individuals have turned towards gaming options for entertainment purposes. While most people didn’t have time to play games earlier, the gaming industry has experienced a boom from the user end with the pandemic outbreak.
Amid the upheaval and distress during the pandemic, people have gotten a lot of time up their sleeves. As a result, many new and innovative ideas have taken birth in the minds of creative individuals, who are now looking for a relevant platform that could help them turn their ideas into reality. When bringing an idea into existence, the foremost hurdle standing in the way is that of funds. Considering the gaming industry, not many investors believe in its future, killing many dreams along the way.
Established on July 5th, 2019, Game Seer Ventures is a boutique investment fund focused on PC and console project financing. The company believes that it is essential to promote innovative ideas that contain potential. As opposed to the “suits and ties” companies, Game Seer is a fully private organization that finances gaming projects by assessing their future in the real essence. Without intervening in the games’ basic idea, Game Seer has been breaking the investment companies’ stereotypical image, something that has been overly due in today’s times.
Encouraging the Growth of Creative Minds
Headquartered in Aschaffenburg, Germany, Game Seer Ventures is a product of the genius minds of two friends, Mikel, and Vernizeau Bertrand, coming together and realizing the significance of having such an investment company. While being avid gamers throughout their teenage years, individuals have diligently observed gaming trends. By bringing in a fresh perspective to the market through Game Seer, the company has come to the rescue for innovative gaming ideas lost due to the lack of funds from different sources.
There has been a surge in the game usage since the start of 2020 with the rising use of entertainment channels. Due to the increased demand for unconventional and inventive games, Game Seer has planned to invest $11.1 million of their private starting capital.
Keeping the current situation of the world in mind, now is the time to make smart choices to receive effective results. During these testing times, Game Seer Ventures have been a solace to many creative individuals who have been struggling to transition their ideas into real projects. By promoting high-quality PC and console game projects, the gaming industry will observe a clear difference in gaming ideas’ quality.
The monotonous range of games available in the market has disappointed avid gamers. Addressing this issue, Game Seer has entered the market with the motto, “Cash is better with a brain.” By making smart investments, the company invests in brilliant ideas that can have a successful future gaming world.
With their first funding of the game “The Waylanders,” Game Seer has portrayed the real purpose of their company’s existence. Following the first project, AWAY: The Survival Series, Sword of the Necromancer, and Aragami 2 have been additionally added to the portfolio of the company.
Enhancing Client Experience
Building brands from scratch, Game Seer Ventures is a developer-friendly investment company that tends to promote creative ideas and not try to amend them in any way. The German-based privately owned company has been creating waves ever since it entered the market in 2019. According to Vernizeau, the CEO, “We are not looking for equity investments, but more project-funding.”
Over the next three years, Game Seer Ventures has decided to fund promising PC and console games. Studio projects usually find investors more easily as compared to individual projects. By funding the latter, Game Seer targets individuals who portray the potential of giving back returns. While protecting the fund’s autonomy, the company has refused to take any further investments from additional investors.
While observing game distribution evolution, Game Seer Ventures has been acting as a propeller to individual projects by providing them with a platform that believes in the ideas. The company has been bridging the gap that has been an obstacle for game developers.
In the midst of the pandemic, Game Seer Ventures has been a blessing for the game developers. There are very few companies that focus more on bringing a change rather than creating maximum profit. Among such companies is Game Seer Venture who doesn’t see itself as a game publisher, rather provides venture capital to deserving game developers. “With our many years of experience in digital distribution and our large network, we can bring developers together with the right partners at all levels if necessary,” says Vernizeau.