Looking for some financial services providers in Indonesia, here is a list of some popular financial service companies in Indonesia.
- This is an Indonesian financial services company that offers services in the field of finance and investment.
- The main focus and aim are in the sectors related to the energy and covers the services, the resources and the infrastructure business sectors.
- It provides services through power solutions, production and contractor services.
- It is one of the best financial companies in Indonesia.
- It also involves management in the development of the business, leasing services, taxation and more.
- It is company of trade, service and investment type.
- ACE Hardware Indonesia is a retail company that works in the field of improvement of the production, finances and home improvement.
- In 2015 the company counted 117 retail stores in many cities in Indonesia and is one of the largest companies there.
- It is a master franchise of the brand ACE Hardware and is focused on 3 segments.
- This company is located in Indonesia and is an investment company in the field of infrastructure, media, telecommunication and plantations.
- It has some subsidiaries in some cities in Indonesia and is seemed to be involved in some corruption scandals.
- It is still one of the companies that offer great financial services.
- Bank Artos is a financial institution that is located in Indonesia and the services that this company is offering are fixed deposits, savings accounts, the current accounts of the account holders in the bank, works with providing loans – consumer and capital, also provides investment loans and corporate loans.
- It is one of the largest financial companies in Indonesia and definitely one of the best.
- It contains headquarters in Bandug, West Java and is also active in the area of Greater Jakarta.
- Buana Finance is an Indonesian financial company that its primary focus is on the consumer finance and the leasing finance.
- It is multi-finance company that is dealing with factoring, venture capital and finances with credit cards as well.
- It is one of the leading companies in this sector.
- The Asuransi Jasindo finance company is located in Indonesia and is the 2nd largest company in the insurance and investment sector.
- It is owned by the government of the country and it has 2 billion rupiah per year range.
- It was opened in 1973 and since then became one of the greatest finance companies in Indonesia which also operates with foreign currency.
- This company is also known as “Asuransi Central Asia” or “ACA Asuransi”.
- It is located in Indonesia and is one of the most influential and important companies in the insurance and finance sectors.
- It has 36 branches in different offices in Indonesia and 34 representative offices.
- It was established in 1956 and now is consisted of more than 1300 employees.
- The range is 958 rupiah per year.
8) Link
- Link is an Interbank network located in Indonesia which contains 4 state banks.
- Among the banks connected with Link are BNI 46, Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Bank Tabungan Negara.
- The company offers inquiry and withdrawal services in Indonesia and is among the best.
9) Prima
- Prima is also an Interbank network in Indonesia which is owned by PT Rintis Sejahtera, a service provider working in the field of Satellite Communication and that transmits the digital information in the world.
- Before this network company was known as Bank Central Asia and was providing financial services.
- It is also a part of the fin-tech industry and has millions of satisfied customers around the world.
10) ATM Bersama
- ATM Bersama is an Interbank network in Indonesia and connects 20 ATM networks.
- It was established in 1993 and the way of working and the model are taken from the Internbank network in Philippines, MegaLink.
- It has more than 17,000 ATMs in Indonesia and more than 70 members.
- It is owned by PT Artaiasa Pembayaran Elektronis.