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Do You Need to Stretch Before Your Workout?

Now, this is one debatable question asked by many should you stretch before a workout? According to a personal trainer in Dallas, the answers are complicated. Below we break down everything about stretching before and after workouts.

The Debate About Stretching Before Exercise

While not all pre-workout stretches are bad, you still need to be careful about stretching those cold muscles as they might tear (yikes). According to different personal trainers tearing muscles are easier when the muscles are not warm.

The same goes for after your workout. So the essential thing is to warm up the muscles first. Hence, if you sit at your desk the whole and plan to sprint, you need to prepare your body for the change or end up with an injury.

Once the body is warm, you can do dynamic stretches that include movement. Hence, it is essential to warm up the body for ten minutes by doing a dynamic warmup to prep the muscles moving the joints through a full range of motion.

Doing a dynamic warmup helps prevent injuries and increases your muscles’ blood flow. You can do some walking lunges, hip circles, jumping jacks, trunk rotations, and butt kicks, to name a few. Hence, your body goes through the same motions in your workout.

What About Stretching After Workouts

According to a fitness instructor in Dallas, yes, you need to do some stretching with your post-workout. It sounds like loads of stretching, people but taking a few minutes adds up, and the best part is your body will thank you.

Hence, a post-sweat stretching session is essential to bring your muscles back to their original state as it was before the workout. So, you can do some static stretches after activities to decrease injuries, reduce soreness, and increase flexibility.

According to personal trainers, the best is to concentrate on stretching your larger muscle groups. Like your hamstrings, chest, back, and quads, they need attention once you complete your workout. Doing this helps bring the blood flow down for muscle recovery back to normal.

These types of stretches include:

  •   Hamstring stretching with a towel
  •   The child’s pose
  •   Quad stretches
  •   Calf stretches

Final Thoughts

While stretching your significant muscles, groups are essential. Even if it is two times a week for only 60 seconds, you need to warm up first. Stretching helps you remain supple and move better. Regular stretching can keep your hamstrings and hips flexible and help with posture. In addition, it aids with back pain and any muscle pain in the body. Still, the important thing is to do a dynamic warmup before the time and end it with static stretches. Doing this before and after your workouts, it helps prevent injuries and aids in muscle recovery time to be ready for your next workout.

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