I was thrilled to discover Dad and Buried, the Anti Parent parenting blog, after reading a fantastic review of it on Bourbon & Boots, a rustic lifestyle website. The blog has been around for over a decade and has become increasingly popular among parents and non-parents alike. It started as a means to educate parents on different parenting issues and has been a great help to many. The blog addresses a wide range of topics, including preventing addiction and child sexual abuse, and sheds light on other major childhood issues that often go unnoticed.
The blog is written by a counter-parent, and the author acknowledges that parenting is tough, and hopes to create a place for parents to vent. The blog has gained a significant following among parents and teenagers alike. Although it is often funny, it does contain some very important information that parents should be aware of.
The blog is written by a thirty-year-old North Carolinian named Mike Julianelle. It contains witty posts about parenting and the challenges he faces as a new dad. The blog is a diary of his life as a father, and it’s full of advice and tips for parents. The blog also includes podcasts and social media posts.
Unlike some other parenting blogs, Mike Julianelle’s blog is a good place for parents to discuss their problems and concerns. While he is sometimes cynical, Mike doesn’t condemn other parents for their fears of parenthood. Instead, he offers practical advice and personal experiences for parents. In this way, it’s an honest, non-judgmental place to discuss parenting.
Dad and Buried is a fun, witty, and insightful parenting blog. Mike Julianelle is an American father and thirty-year-old who writes about the challenges of parenting. His posts are honest, yet humorous, and readers will find it refreshing. His witty posts are well-written and contain helpful parenting advice.
A Brooklyn native, Mike Julianelle is a parent who blogs about his experiences as a dad. His blog is featured on the NYMetroParents blogroll. In addition to sharing his experience, the blog includes anonymous comments, which encourage parents to provide feedback and support for others who are facing similar struggles.
Dad and Buried the Anti Parent is a popular parenting blog that covers a wide variety of parenting issues. Unlike many parenting blogs, the author, Mike Julianelle, is a Brooklynite who writes about real life situations. Though he shares his own frustrations, he never attacks other parents’ feelings. Instead, he seeks to provide a safe space for parents to discuss issues with their children.
As a parent, Mike is aware that parenting is not easy and is constantly battling with different issues. His blog provides parents with helpful information and helpful tips, including how to avoid drug addiction and relationship problems. While it is not for every parent, many parents will find the content and advice helpful. The blog is a great resource guide for parents looking for a legal and peaceful family. While there are some stories that may be upsetting, most readers will find it interesting and useful.
This anti parent parenting blog is a good resource for parents and provides many useful records. It is not influenced by advertisements, social media, or the media. Instead, it is a practical resource manual for peaceful family life.
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