The COVID-19 pandemic has left the global economy reeling, with a full recovery remaining out of sight for the foreseeable future. With a swath of unemployment and highly-volatile financial markets, there has been an influx of people looking for an alternative source of income. Business models that need little to no financial capital while offering straightforward passive income are ideal, considering the current market conditions. Although this might seem a little too good to be true, there are numerous ways by which a smart and dedicated entrepreneur can achieve such a financial dream.
Because of the above, a large variety of business models and financial markets have boomed despite the pandemic. Aspiring traders have turned to the usual markets like stocks and foreign exchange, as well as more novel ones, like cryptocurrency, in an effort to “beat” the economy. Similarly, entrepreneurs have toyed with innovative business models like e-commerce, drop-shipping, and a large variety of other online businesses to stay afloat despite the prevailing economic situation. At the moment, all these avenues face a singular significant challenge to interested newcomers: their popularity comes with enormous competition from both other beginners as well as established industry veterans.
As the founder and long-time CEO of LLC, entrepreneur Justin Gilmore offers an outside-the-box alternative through the ATM business. As someone who has spent almost two lucrative decades in the industry, Justin knows more than anyone about an ATM business’s potential to grow and create passive income. Today, Justin and his small team of 14 employees offer courses, training, and mentorship to entrepreneurs who aim to establish their own ATM business. Beyond the usual educational model offered by most mentorship companies, ATMMachines offers constant assistance and coordination, as well as access to all of the company resources to its numerous mentees. The mutually-beneficial nature of the relationship strengthens the company’s strong bond with its mentees. After all, the company’s own success relies heavily on its clients’ positive performance and profitability.
Aside from maintaining a good working relationship with clients, Justin cites the importance of mindset, patience, and consistency, especially for a newly-established business. He knows more than anyone how to grow a business to success from virtually nothing. After all, he had to work multiple jobs and educate himself in business after getting expelled from high school due to troubling behavior and poor academic performance stemming from financial difficulties at just 15 years old. Only three years later, he was able to lift himself up and earn more than $15,000 (almost $21,000 in today’s money) a month through his forays in the ATM business. Some of Justin’s most-profitable early contracts include being theATM service provider for various big venues in his home city of Atlanta, Georgia, particularly the Georgia Dome and the Georgia World Congress Center, contracts he closed at just 21 years old.
Justin admits the first few years are the most difficult, requiring patience, planning, and perseverance, which for him entailed abundant amounts of legwork going door-to-door and cold-calling just to obtain potential clients. Eventually, ATMMachines would go on to snowball, and Justin is now able to enjoy both his freedom and effortless financial security. This, along with his years of experience, has allowed him to use the time to offer courses for other aspiring entrepreneurs who might be interested in the ATM industry.
From his humble beginnings, Justin now owns over 600 ATMs all over the United States, selling a further 20 30 every month through the company website. With his company, he also operates and processes another 1,200 units and trains a number of mentees in their craft. With these, Justin hopes to rapidly grow his own company and help aspiring entrepreneurs achieve financial security and earn passive income by establishing and expanding their own ATM businesses.
You can learn more about Justin Gilmore and LLC’s offerings through their website. You may also follow and contact them on their Instagram, @atmmachines_com, for any inquiries and updates.