To date, the NFT space has experienced collection drop after collection drop, presenting an interesting question that speaks to the “why” in which patron’s choose to invest into a particular art piece.
We know that NFT collections like Doodles have the ability to “replicate” or upgrade the original – but what about customizing it to make it more…”you?”
With how saturated the space has quickly become, the thought of investing into artwork that can be tailored to the collector themselves (rather than simply the artist’s personality alone) is undoubtedly a feature that seems to speak to “identity” in the Web3 space.
Earlier this month, Dented Feels, an artist-founded and emotionally-powered NFT profile-picture (PFP) project, announced its launch of a proprietary NFT trait customization build – Dented Dreams – that will allow collectors to customize (within reason) their original NFT with interchangeable traits, called “Mood Swings.”
The team behind Dented Feels distinguishes itself from other PFP projects as the living manifestation of a struggling artist who watched his dreams crushed – only to rise from the ashes and rebuild himself and his dreams from the widespread array of emotions and mood swings he encountered along the way.
NFTs have been both the greatest innovation (and plight) to up-and-coming artists who have wanted to break into the space in hopes of finding the visibility and community they’ve tirelessly tried to build – touting the “Dented, Not Broken” mantra.
“Dented Feels is more than an art project, it’s a story – a story of an artist’s triumph over greed that played out in real time,” said Dentin Garrett, the artist and founder behind Dented Feels.
“This [Dented Dreams] expansion was designed to stay true to the narrative that lives at the core of [our] collection – I had Dented Feels when my dreams were crushed and stolen. In channeling all the mood swings that I went through to finish out that Genesis collection, I was able to achieve my Dented Dream. Now, the collectors that hold Dented Feels, will be able to use Mood Swings to create their very own Dented Dreams,” he illuminated.
The project, which launched in February, also pushes the bounds of “emotional intelligence” – speaking directly to those collectors who identify with their NFTs and want to be able to evolve their collection in a way that represents their truest reflection of themselves according to “ever-changing moods and states of being.”
Photo Courtesy of Dented Feels
“The key to this build is the ability to take a generative collection that wasn’t designed for customization, and then repurposing it so that it can be deconstructed later on without destroying the original token. Doing this would build interest in the Genesis collection, by adding utility into the art and project ecosystem, by creating a new way to interact with your personal art collection,” he emphasized.
According to Garrett, larger collections like Dented Feels, which have massive demand already, must always think about how to add direct value back to that first Genesis Collection – rather than dropping another 10,000 or 11,000 NFT collection.
For holders of Dented Feels, Garrett says that the original art piece will remain theirs.
“You will own every new piece that you combine to it,” he said. “You can sell it as one collective piece. You can deconstruct it and reconstruct it with more pieces to collect in the future.”
Ultimately, the technology that Dented Feels has suggested will offer something truly unique to the industry in terms of bridging the gap between and amongst projects.
“You can now collect and trade art from an artist, where that artist is actively and continually making meaningful traits that you can collect and combine in your own ways.”
The recent announcement hinted that the official release of the build will come in September, with the project releasing the first editions of Mood Swings “trading packs” as a free drop.
For more information on Dented Feels, please visit their website.