Press Release Releases Interest-Free Leverage Trading in Public Beta

Interest-Free Leverage Trading

Singapore – Fast-growing digital assets trading firm, recently launched a leveraged trading service, offering attractive benefits to traders.

An emerging front-line CoinMarketCap Top 20 exchange, has always held itself to the standards of leading exchanges. The past eight months have seen BiKi implementing globalization initiatives along with ecosystem developments, where a host of new products and innovations have been successfully launched. 

The newest product is BiKi’s spot leveraged trading, which began its beta release on December 18th. It presently offers leverage of BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, TRV/USDT pairs, with other trading pairs to be announced in later stages. 

Simply put, leverage trading is borrowing money to increase the amount being  traded, which increases potential profits but also potential losses. Compared to futures contracts, it is considered “safer” because the leverage trading price is synchronized with the spot price, thus preventing the phenomenon of pin risk in futures.

During a bear market. leverage trading can be a powerful tool to grow a portfolio. While inherently riskier, it however opens up the possibility to much larger profits. The key here is to develop a risk management strategy that can help to cut losses short while letting profits grow.

Features of BiKi’s Leverage Model 

1) BiKi uses a position-by-position leverage model that is designed to reduce investor risk. In a full-position leverage, the risk to lose everything is much higher. BiKi’s position-by-position model controls losses by fixing the margin of a position – the profit and loss in one position does not impact the other positions. Each position is risk-isolated thereby allowing investors to better execute risk control strategies.

This is in contrast to full-position mode where all leveraged positions share margins. The profit of one position can be consumed by the loss of another position.

2) BiKi’s position-by-position model also supports up to 3 times leverage

3) Presently, BiKi offers interest-free leveraging during its first month of beta release, where 100% of interest will be returned.

Taking a month’s leverage transaction of BTC with USD 50,000 as an example, at exchanges Binance, OKEx and Huobi, one would accrue interest charges of USD 300, USD 720 and USD 3,000 respectively. 

Newbies who wish to explore leveraged trading would find this the perfect opportunity as they can focus on transacting without worrying about interest fees. Veteran leverage traders can take advantage of this cost-effective opportunity.

User-Focused Platform

Its leverage trading service is the latest user-oriented feature of the exchange

One of its first moves of deploying the ‘extreme deflationary model’ on platform currency BIKI demonstrated BiKi’s focus on users. 100% of transaction fees were used to buyback and destroy BIKI, increasing the value for token holders.

Community partners also earn 60% of referral trading fees, which is more than what BiKi gets, or what other exchanges offer. Recently launched, the BiKi Mining Pool offers the highest annualized returns of 20% in the market.

BiKi’s motto of “Let Users Benefit” has been on full display since its early stages and will continue to be a core focus. The exchange believes that optimizing opportunities for the platform’s users to benefit off and make profits will retain the loyalty of its users and hopefully sustain the exchange through the run of bear markets.

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