Artificial intelligence

AI can help you personalize your investment plans

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to investment planning. Each person has a different set of needs, goals and life experiences that make them who they are, attributing to the amount they need to save. The one-size-fits-all symbol in regards to investing means that there is one solution to help each and every individual, no matter their background. That is just not the reality. It’s exactly like clothing, what fits one person perfectly might be too small or too big for someone else. In order for people to reach their goals they need personalized investment plans to help them get there. 

Did you know that 162 million Americans own stocks? This number adds up to 62% of adults taking part in Wall Street, and there is no way that 162 million people are the exact same when it comes to their finances and investing. Having a set investment plan or solution will only do people more harm than good, because it is not catered to who they are as individuals. Finding an investment plan should not just be like picking something off the shelf, you have to take the time to personalize it to you, so you can maximize your investments. 

One of the best ways to do that is by utilizing AI. This type of technology might seem like a set in stone solution, but with recent advancements it is truly being catered to each person. AI is helping people see their blind spots and giving them the tools and ability to set themselves up for success. 

“Deciding to enter the investing world can be incredibly unnerving. Between index funds, dividend stocks, growth stocks, and a multitude of other technical terms, distinguishing what is best for your personal goals can be challenging. But, it doesn’t have to be. AI powered investment applications allow us to see the full picture. We don’t just give you insights that you’ll struggle to transcribe; rather we present you with visual data that will simplify the investment landscape to help you make informed decisions quicker,” says George Kailas, CEO at

AI tools are just that…tools. They can give you a closer insight into your data and help you make the best decisions for you. It’s important to utilize them to help set you on the right path. AI technology often catches things that people don’t, because of its programming. It can dive deeper into stock trends, giving you the clarity and transparency you need to invest. Instead of just telling you how to invest, it is showing you how based on its visual data and analytics. 

When people invest their money, they deserve to be met with a sense of security and protection. Whether you are using AI tools or working with an investment team, it’s important to make sure your plan fits all your needs. Saving is not the same for each person, and your investment plan should not be universal. Making sure your plan is unique and is up to par with your needs will help you on the road to success. 

“Think of it this way: how can you get to your destination without a map? Investment applications are meant to supply you with a personal roadmap to your financial destination. If we do our jobs well and cultivate the proper map for you, you’ll be kicking your feet up on your own personal wealth management island,” Kailas says. 

No more fitting in with the crowd. It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and find things that work for you. Each and every person deserves to feel comfortable in their own skin, and it’s the same thing with investing. Having a plan that you trust will help set you apart from all the other top dogs on Wall Street. The one-size-fits-all approach does now always work for your best interest, but is a cut-through solution, when in reality having a personalized plan is the best way to ensure you are maximizing your investments and savings. Why risk your investments for a one-size-fits-all solution, when you can create your own plan to protect you and your money? 

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