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Affordable housing – the best investment avenue as suggested by Maxwell Drever

Maxwell Drever

The worldwide pandemic has resulted in economic hardship for every section of society explains Maxwell Drever. Every individual is hard-pressed between the growing expenses and reduced income. In such a scenario, the fixed wages group is worst affected. They don’t even have the resources to cater to their requirements and stay close to their job location. As a result, the workforce population gets compelled to live on the fringes of the cities devoid of basic communities.

However, another section of society has taken this opportunity to make some profit. They are real estate investors and developers. Property investors are pure businessmen. They are focusing on maximizing their profit and creating value for their clients. These individuals have taken this opportunity to transform their properties and help reduce the gap between the demand and supply of affordable housing units.


  • Reveal intricate points of affordable housing

Affordable housing aims to furnish houses for individuals with limited income. Property owners get a tax credit and other grants based on the percentage of the property they use as affordable housing. Along with this, the renters also procure assistance from non-governmental and governmental organizations when paying the rent. As a result, it’s a combined effort of different sections of society.


  • Re-entry and rehabilitation programs

The workforce population requires transitional housing, and the demand is ever-growing. These homeless families, recovering from their economic struggle, have a newly released problem of lack of shelter. Hence, Maxwell Drever affirms that it depends on affordable residential units how the workforce gets a decent living.

Boarding houses and apartments can thereby be repurpose to provide adequate facilities to these sections of society. Along with this, they also facilitate the accessibility and security level appropriate for this group.


  • Investment in this sector

Affordability is significant to investors since it determines a few crucial things.

  • Marketability
  • Profitability

Housing programs and low-interest rates on mortgages and loans can help low-income families pay their rent on time. Remember that the market price for these rental units can get reduce only when the government intervenes. Maxwell Drever explains that investors in this sector must know the region’s area median income to determine the type of return when purchasing property and using the same for affordable housing.


  • A brief look at details for bringing the transformation 

Information is available through local and state governments on housing supply and other developmental aspects. These include the following:

  • 30% of median income in the region needs to be calculate to comprehend affordability. It is the gross income per rental unit.
  • For grabbing affordable homeownership, calculate 35% of median income for interest, principle, home insurance, property tax, and association fees.

The growing interest rate with other provisions is only hampering the supply of the residential unit. Hence, a mortgage banking professional may help analyze these amounts. The calculation is the responsibility of the government authorities so that they can reduce the amount of tax and increase their grant and other financial support to the real estate investors.

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