
13 Tips for Creating an Accessible Website Design

In today’s digital world, it is essential to create an accessible website design.

An accessible website design ensures that all visitors, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities, can easily access and navigate the site. 

It also helps you reach a wider audience and make sure your content reaches everyone who needs it.

Creating an accessible website design requires careful consideration of various factors such as layout, color contrast, navigation structure, and more.

We’ve rounded up some tips for creating an inclusive and user-friendly web page for all users to get you started.

1. Use High-contrast Colors

When choosing colors for your website, make sure there is sufficient contrast between the background and foreground colors so that the text is easy to read. High-contrast colors ensure users with visual impairments can easily access your content.

2. Ensure All Images Have Alternative Text 

Providing alternative text for images helps users with visual impairments understand the context of your website, as well as those who are visually impaired. Make sure you include a brief description of what each image is and how it relates to the content on the page.

3. Easy Navigation 

Having an easy-to-understand navigation structure is key for users to quickly find the information they are looking for.

To help make sure your website is accessible, consider using headings and subheadings that clearly label sections and content on your page.

Make sure to use clear and descriptive page titles for each section of your website so users can easily navigate to the content they need.

4. Provide Captions for Audio and Video Content 

If your website includes videos or audio recordings, make sure you provide captions so that users with hearing impairments can still access the content. 

You can consider adding a transcript of the audio/video for those who need to read it instead of listening.

5. Allow Users to Adjust Some Factors

Giving users the ability to adjust font sizes and line heights helps ensure that everyone can read your content, regardless of any visual impairments they may have.

This allows all users to customize their experience so they can access the information more easily.

6. Utilize Structures for Content Organization 

Using headings, lists, and other structures can help organize your content in a way that is easy to skim and understand.

Content organization helps users with cognitive or learning impairments easily access the information they need.

7. Test Your Website for Accessibility 

Testing your website with a screen reader or keyboard-only navigation tool helps you ensure that all users can navigate and access the content on your site.

Additionally, this allows you to find any potential accessibility issues before they become an issue for all visitors.

8. Incorporate Skip Links on Pages 

Adding skip links to your website gives users the ability to navigate directly to the information they need without having to scroll through all of the content on a page. This helps ensure that all visitors can access the content they need.

9. Optimize Page Load Times 

Optimizing page load times helps make your website more accessible for everyone.

Compressing images, reducing the number of elements on a page, and properly utilizing CSS/JavaScript help ensure that your site loads quickly for all visitors.

10. Include a Search Function 

Adding a search function to your website can help users quickly find the information they need without having to manually navigate through all of the content on your site.

This is especially helpful for those with cognitive or learning impairments who may have difficulty navigating the site.

11. Use Descriptive Link Names 

To optimize accessibility, use clear and descriptive link names instead of generic ones like “click here” or “read more.”

Descriptive link names make it easier for users to understand what the link is about and navigate your website.

12. Optimize Your Website for Different Devices 

More and more people are accessing websites from their mobile devices, so it’s important to make sure your website is optimized for different screen sizes.

Optimizing your website can be done by using a responsive design approach where the website automatically adjusts its layout based on.

To make sure your site responds seamlessly, consider getting a bug-tracking tool like BugHerd

13. Provide Alternative Methods for Accessing Content

Providing alternative methods for accessing your content ensures that all users can access the information they need, regardless of any disabilities or impairments. 

For example, if you have a video on your site, consider providing a transcript as well so those with hearing impairments can still access the content. 


Making your website accessible is essential for providing a great user experience to all visitors. 

By following the tips above, you can ensure that everyone can access and understand the content on your site. 

These steps also help improve search engine rankings and make it easier for people to find your website. 

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