Artificial intelligence

Will Generative AI Replace Search? What Small Businesses Need to Know

Small businesses have grown accustomed to optimizing and relying on search engines like Google for customers to find them. However, with the rise of generative AI like ChatGPT, businesses are now wondering: Will search engines be replaced? Will an organic SEO company still be the right partner for your small business? There are four key factors as to why search will remain as the go-to option for consumers to find services and products.

1. Knowing Who Said It

When we search for something, we want to know who gave the answer. Was it a doctor, a teacher, or just someone random? Search engines show us where the information comes from. Generative AI just makes up answers. It can never be genuine because it doesn’t tell us who said it. We need to trust the source of our information.

2. Different Opinions

Search engines give us many different opinions. If you ask about the best ice cream flavor, you’ll get lots of answers. Some people love chocolate, others love vanilla, and some like strawberry. With a search engine, you can see all these different opinions. But generative AI might just give you the most popular answer. It won’t show you all the different ideas people have.

3. More Choices

When we use search engines, we get lots of choices. We can pick the best answer for us. Generative AI gives us just one answer. What if that answer isn’t the best one for us? With search engines, we have the power to choose.

4. Trust and Honesty

We trust search engines because we know where the information comes from. Generative AI makes things up. It can’t be honest because it doesn’t tell us where it got the information. We need to trust the answers we get, and search engines help us do that.

Small Businesses Stick With What They Know

While more cautious than before, small businesses’ demand for SEO and PPC management services (such as Facebook, Microsoft, and Google Ads Management) remains strong. And while small businesses have some clues on Google’s search algorithms (especially since the latest 14k-signal search ranking leak), generative AI remains as mysterious as ever. Small businesses continue to invest in tried-and-true methods.

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