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Why Your First Telephone Call Should Be to a Local DUI Attorney after Being Arrested for Drunk Driving

DUI Attorney

Being stopped by the police and arrested for DUI is not a pleasant experience, and you will want to get rid of the charges and walk free. If you get arrested for DUI, you will need to immediately call your DUI attorney because, according to Forbes, the penalties for driving under influence can be steep and include jail time, hefty fines, and suspension of your driving license. Additionally, a DUI conviction may lead to the cancellation of your insurance policy, steeply increase the premium rate, and prevent you from holding specified jobs. Some of the top benefits of dialing an experienced local DUI attorney when facing a DUI charge:

Familiar with Procedures

It is well-known that every court operates a little differently from other courts, and if you hire an attorney who does not practice in your district, he can miss out on an important procedure or cause offense to a judge by not following rules. Because out-of-town attorneys cannot be expect to know everything that makes for a smoothly functioning court, it is invariably far better for you to hire a local lawyer practicing DUI law to help you steer clear of the legal pitfalls.

By hiring a local DUI lawyer, you can fight charges to avoid conviction and present a persuasive case for dropping or reducing the charges. He can also help you to keep any evidence obtained in violation of your rights out of court.

Knowledge of Effective Arguments 

When you hire local attorneys for third time DUI arrest, you can be reasonably confident that they have appeared before most district judges. You can expect them to know which arguments and defenses will find favor with the judges. While it is not a guarantee for winning a DUI case, once you know which judge will preside, you can formulate a robust strategy for highlighting certain aspects of your case that the judge will appreciate.

Relationships with Experts and Other Influential People

It may be necessary to get the assistance of various experts, such as medical professionals to testify with their expert opinions. Lawyers from outside your district will generally not be familiar with local experts or even the area where you had been pull over and the systems and procedures followed by the local police and court authorities. A local DUI lawyer will know the people involve in your case, right from the arresting officer, the public prosecutor, and the judge. Even though your DUI case will be decide as per the established process, familiarity with the local players can help in getting a favorable judgment.


Getting a local DUI lawyer to represent you can be more convenient. When you need urgent advice on what to do and not to do. A local lawyer will also be able to reach you at the police station or the court within minutes if required. Also, dealing with a local attorney is more convenient because you can easily meet him when needed to drop off papers or ask him for clarification. Most importantly, the level of service and representation you can expect from a local attorney is far better than someone from out of state.

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