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Why the world thinks China is great economic power when it is only making low-tech daily products?


China is known as the great economic power of the world, but it is only making low-tech products. Chinese people are poor, they are only doing this because they do not have many options. They will not be able to make high-tech products because their education is not good enough. Chinese companies are copying other big companies and producing the same product with a different name. Chinese products are poor quality and they are just good at cheating others

China is only making low-tech daily products.

China is only making low-tech daily products. They do not have many options and are so poor that they have no choice but to copy others. They are not good at cheating others either because they don’t have any ideas of their own, so if you try to copy your idea from someone else, it will come out useless or worse than expected.

Chinese people are poor, they are only doing this because they do not have many options.

The Chinese government has created an environment in which many people are working hard, but not very well. They are not getting any benefits from their work and therefore it does not have much value for them.

The education system in China is also very poor because it does not teach students how to think critically or how to deal with new information. This has resulted in a generation of young adults who cannot think for themselves; they only know what they must do because they were told so by their parents or teachers when they were young children.

The culture of China also contributes greatly to its economic success because it encourages conformity instead of individuality. There are no personal rights such as freedom of speech or democracy within this country because everyone thinks alike which means that no one ever challenges anything official like laws against homosexuality or human rights violations against ethnic minorities living there currently (which I’ll get into later).

They will not be able to make high-tech products because their education is not good enough.

The reason the world thinks China is great economic power is that it has been described as one. However, this is not true. The Chinese education system does not prepare students for the modern economy and many people are not able to compete with other nations when it comes to high-tech products such as computers and smartphones.

There are several reasons why this happens:

  • They lack the skills needed for these jobs;
  • Their education is not good enough;
  • Their education system does not give them what they need in order for them to be successful in their careers or businesses;
  • They don’t have access to technology as we do here at home (e-mail instead of snail mail).

Chinese companies are copying other big companies and producing the same product with a different name.

China is the biggest copycat country in the world. It seems like every product or service has been copied by Chinese companies, and it’s no wonder why: China has a huge potential for innovation and growth. But if you look at what China does today, it seems like they are only copying other big companies and producing the same product with a different name.

China has become an economic power because of its great potential, but if it can stop copying others then it will be able to compete with other countries as well!

Chinese products are of poor quality and they are just good at cheating others.

Chinese products are of poor quality and they are just good at cheating others.

Chinese companies copy existing designs from other countries, then sell them as their own. They also try to cheat their customers by making it look like a new product but in reality, it’s an old one that was already released somewhere else and just marketed differently.

Chinese companies rarely innovate, because if they do something new or different then other people will copy them and make money off of them too! This means that if you want to make any kind of money in China then you have no choice but to copy other people’s ideas first before developing your own (which is why so many entrepreneurs end up becoming business partners with someone else). If there weren’t so many other companies doing exactly what yours does already then maybe things would be different but since everyone else is doing pretty much the same thing too…

China is a great economic power because it has a huge potential, if it can stop copying others, then it will be a better competitor in the world

China is a great economic power because it has a huge potential, if it can stop copying others, then it will be a better competitor for the world.

China is a huge country and it has a huge population of 1.3 billion people. This big population makes China more powerful than other countries in terms of economic and technological development. In addition to this, China also has one of the largest economies in the world with an overwhelming amount of market capitalization compared with other countries markets (for example Washington DC). Therefore, even though there are many imitations made by other companies from China around us today like Apple or Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., we should not ignore how much better they really are because if we do so then our confidence level regarding these firms may drop down significantly due to their inferiority in comparison with those firms founded by Chinese entrepreneurs who have made great contributions towards technology innovation overtime period since the 1840s until present day!


In conclusion, China is not a great economic power because it has only produced low-tech products. It needs to stop copying others and make its own high-quality products instead.

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