
Why the Crypto Bear Market is the best time for creating SEO content

Crypto Bear Market

A bear market is usually characterized by a 20% or more fall from recent highs. If you operate in the cryptocurrency space, you’ve probably noticed that we are in a crypto bear market. December 2022 is a continuation of a bear market that has seen the price of many cryptocurrencies dip to historic lows.

Some cryptocurrency firms like FTX have fallen due to high volatility and risks associated with bear runs. However, as many crypto firms try to survive, therein lies an opportunity. This isn’t the end of crypto companies or crypto projects. The current crypto bear market is the best time to market through SEO content, and here’s why:

1. You’ll get the best marketing deals 

Marketing deals are better in a slow market. When there’s less competition, some forms of marketing become cheaper. A typical example would be PPC ads. The cost per click of certain types of PPC ads tends to be cheaper in a bear market due to less competition. 

Marketing prices follow the famous law of “demand and supply”. If you’ve been planning to launch PPC ad campaigns or engage in other digital marketing efforts for your crypto firm or project, but couldn’t proceed due to stiff competition, try searching for deals during a bear market when there’s less competition.

In terms of backlinking & off-site SEO you’re also more likely to get guest posting deals and it’s also more likely that you will get natural links yourself just by making some news.

2. Best time to create authority in the crypto space

Bear markets are worrying times for investors who got in a little late. The uncertainty and losses are unsettling. This makes it a great time to create SEO content aimed at helping such investors through tough times. 

It also explains why many crypto firms grow their authority significantly during bear markets. Audiences value content on various subjects aimed at teaching them how to hedge losses, seize more opportunities and place themselves strategically. 

The crypto players that manage to put out valuable content establish leadership very fast. What’s more, when the next cryptocurrency bull run comes, newcomers in the space will flock to those who have already established themselves. 

In a nutshell, for your cryptocurrency site to become an established authority site in the future, you must begin creating SEO content focused on helping those affected by the current bear market conditions.

3. Higher quality audiences, low “noise”

Bear markets are characterized by low competition and advertising. This makes it the perfect time to put your cryptocurrency business or project out there. As crypto companies wind down their marketing, the internet has fewer offers, news, and other content on crypto that make it harder for your marketing efforts to be seen. In simple words, there is less “noise” from competitors. 

The audiences in a bear market are also higher quality since they aren’t simply looking for quick profits. Bear markets can take between months to two years or more in typical circumstances. As a result, anyone who you manage to attract with your SEO content is likely to be a higher-value client. 

4. Higher client retention

While the traffic may be lower during a bear market, you can be assured of higher-quality audiences which translates to higher retention. A bear market creates the need to produce high-quality content for reducing concerns and panic among new players.

When great curated content lands in front of the right audience, it fosters trust and creates a community of loyalists that believe in the mission, vision, and any subsequent projects, products, or services that may come up.  

Building a community doesn’t happen overnight, but luckily, you have time to foster a community during a bear market which puts you in a better position when the bull run comes.

5. Best time to begin SEO efforts

You may feel like the SEO marketing “train” is long gone, and you have little to no chance of competing successfully during a bull market, but that is not true! The previous bear market was witnessed in 2018-2019 and yet many crypto projects were born out of this period. The current bear market offers the same opportunities. If your SEO content hasn’t been making headwinds, now is the perfect opportunity to try again.

There’s no better time to begin your SEO efforts in readiness for the next crypto bull run. You can get great SEO deals and create authority in your space easily as there is less noise, and it’s easier to get higher-quality audiences. It’s also a great time to double your SEO efforts since your competition is currently relaxed. What’s more, you have the liberty to experiment with different SEO strategies. 

In summary, we encourage you to not see this bear market as a worrisome situation and instead view it as a moment of enormous opportunities. This is the best time to 10x your SEO efforts! The next bull run will see massive crypto adoption and trust us,  you don’t want to be left behind. 


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