Digital Marketing

Why Should You Switch To SEO Tools Sooner Than Later

Switch To SEO Tools

SEO is the cornerstone of a result-oriented digital marketing strategy. You cannot expect your website to be visible and get traffic with a robust SEO plan. But building links consistently and auditing your website day in and day out requires hard work and commitment. Going slack is not an option as it can cause a dip in your website’s ranking, with a risk of never climbing up back again. Fortunately, you can leverage some valuable tools to give an extra boost to your efforts. Tools make life easier for digital marketing professionals, but there are better reasons to use them. Let us explain why you should switch to SEO tools sooner than later. 

Save time and money on manual audits

Website audits are perhaps the most painful part of search engine optimization. You have to invest in them regularly and dive deep to uncover the pain points like missing page titles and meta descriptions, server errors, broken links, and poor page depth. Thankfully, SEO tools can save time and money on manual edits and significantly cut the time and cost. The best part is that you can get the same or even better quality of results by relying on them.

Dissect competitor strategy

Besides assessing your website’s health with audits, you must also know where your competitors stand. You can well imagine the immense workload of checking several competitors. Thankfully, you can rely on tools like SEMRush or Raven to dig deep into the strategies of competing websites. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your rivals enables you to fine-tune your tactics for better outcomes.

Find high-converting keywords  

Keyword optimization is the mainstay of SEO, but finding the ones that click with your audience is a challenging task. There are hundreds of keywords in a business vertical, and you cannot expect to read the mind of your audiences. You can use tools like ahrefs to find high-converting keywords. You can even check ahrefs alternatives and pick a tool that exactly matches your expectations. Once you identify your target keywords, getting results with your marketing plan is much easier.

Track progress

SEO requires continuous improvement, and you cannot take a set-and-forget approach with it. You must track KPIs like keyword rankings, number of backlinks, Domain Authority, traffic, sales, clicks, shares, comments, and more. Following multiple parameters manually can be painful, but a quality tool can offer reliable and accurate results. You can even set alerts for actions like negative SEO.

Facilitate data visualization

Beyond tracking and measuring your campaigns, SEO tools facilitate data visualization for a better understanding and in-depth analysis. You can see the facts, figures, charts, and graphs rather than random numbers. It is easy to use the insights to make wise decisions and enhance your SEO tactics to achieve better results. Moreover, data visualization keeps everyone on the same page.

SEO tools can ease your journey, whether you work in-house or outsource services to clients. Using them is the best way to empower your strategy and achieve more with less. But you must remember to pick the ones relevant to your needs.  

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