The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is a private database created, maintained, and paid for by real estate professionals to help clients buy and sell real estate. Only members of national and local real estate boards can sell real estate or utilize the services provided by the MLS.
Typically within 15 minutes of activation, listings are transferred from the MLS to external sites, including, Zillow, and numerous other external brokerage and home sales websites. Time is money. Listing on the MLS allows you to maximize both your time and marketing power in seeking a quick sale at the highest possible price. There are many other additional benefits to consider.
Why Direct MLS Sales Your Best Option?
Reliable information updated regularly
One of the obvious advantages of MLS listings is the enormous exposure it provides for your property and that they are continuously updated in real time. Other sites often don’t update information for months, sometimes years. Listings on the MLS must update their status to conditional, pending, or sold within 48 hours, and most agents update their listings much faster. This provides sellers with accurate comparative sales and saves buyers valuable time searching for homes.
Additionally, listing information, photos and descriptions are regulated to ensure accuracy and compliance. This system of checks and balances ensures that you can rely on the information listed. It is one of the most reliable formats for real estate listings.
Increased asset exposure
Listing on the MLS is the best marketing strategy available to home sellers in today’s market. As soon as your listing becomes active in the MLS, the system automatically generates emails to all agents and buyers set up in the MLS to receive leads matching your property.
MLS listings are accessible to all real estate agents who are members. This means your listed property is visible to thousands of real estate agents who share that information with their clients every day. Also listings are syndicated out and are published on hundreds of internet sites, wherever folks are looking for homes in your area, your property is going to be shown. Properties listed on the MLS are viewed by the widest possible audience, you simply cannot get that amount of exposure anywhere else. Wide real estate exposure helps your home sell faster and helps home buyers find the perfect home for their needs.
Many benefits are provided
Real estate agents who are members of the MLS service enjoy other perks, including access to a variety of technologies that help them track properties, sales, and more. The MLS service also manages data that helps real estate agents provide sellers with appropriate guidance for determining price ranges.
Not playing games
Most real estate sellers dislike blatant attempts to play the negotiation game. If sellers avoid this awkward behavior, they will reward you with better prices. We all understand that negotiation is about offering less and countering more, but it gets frustrating when it gets to the point of absurdity.
Buyers do this type of work in the hopes that sellers will pay ridiculously low prices. Instead, it will only make the seller angry and ruin the deal. Most real-world negotiations only go back and forth two or three times the highest level. Forget what you read in the book “You Can Negotiate Anything” on Amazon.
What are the benefits of direct selling?
Direct selling offers several benefits to both businesses and consumers. Here are some of the key benefits of this marketing model:
Save Money
Rather than agreeing to pay a traditional fee agent 2%-3% for the listing commission, (not counting anything that may be charged for a buyer’s agent,) you pay Lowes Flat Fee Realty a $399 upfront listing fee, along with a low compliance fee when your property closes. Now that is real money saving! And you get the same exposure that other sellers are paying many times over for.
Personalized Relationship
Direct selling allows for a personal, direct relationship between seller and buyer. This allows for closer, more personalized communication, resulting in a better understanding of customer needs and preferences. These close relationships can build trust and long-term loyalty.
You Remain in Control
You know your home better than anyone, and you know your goals and motivation, you should be the one making the decisions. If you would like some expert guidance, we have additional plans available to fit your needs while still saving you tons of money.