Chainsaw has now emerged as one of the most inevitable machines for homeowners who have a backyard or driveaway. It assists users adding in the grace of their place through proper wood cutting, trimming, pruning and cleaning of firewood.
However, to complete all these tasks, it is necessary to have a super-fit chainsaw with the capacity of going deep-down in wood to cut it into your desired shape; for this purpose, parts of your chainsaw must be in a very good position. So, if you want to enjoy consistent efficiency from your chainsaw, you should know when to replace chainsaw bar.
There are some defining factors that ascertain the efficiency of your chainsaw. Chainsaw chain and chainsaw bar are among those fundamental factors which directly affect the efficiency of your chainsaw. A bent or damaged chainsaw bar will never let you complete the job efficiently, and you may end with an ill-patterned or crooked cutting of wood.
Therefore, to avoid all these problems and keep your chainsaw in the best working condition for a longer run, you should know about its basics, and “when to replace chainsaw bar” is a very basic concept that must get clarity in your head.
When to Replace Chainsaw Bar?
When a machine is not in good working condition, it gives indications to let you know about the malfunctioning – if you ignore those indications, you may surely lose the whole machine; on the other hand, you can identify the problem, fix it in time, and keep using it for long time without being concerned about its efficiency.
Followings are some of the most noticeable factors which clearly indicate that you need to replace the bar of your chainsaw;
When the Bar is Bent
If you are having a bent bar, it means that you should replace the bar with a new one. Bent bar does not only affect the efficiency of the chainsaw, but it may inflict an irreparable damage to other parts of the chainsaw as well. So, whenever you think that the bar of your chainsaw is bent, you should consult with a professional and ask him if it can be repaired or not. Unfortunately, in most of the cases, bent bar cannot be repaired, and the only option left is to replace it with a new one.
Now, you may think that how will you know that the bar of your chainsaw is bent or not. Sometimes, it is obvious with a naked eye; otherwise, you can get the bar out of the chainsaw, put it on a flat surface and analyze if the bar is straight or not.
Another sign of the bent bar is that you struggle to keep the saw from pulling it to one side – this also an indication that your chainsaw has a bent bar.
Burn Marks on the Bar
If you notice black streak along the track of bar while using your chainsaw, you should understand that there is something wrong with the bar of your chainsaw; most likely, it happens due to the bent in bar. A bent bar usually runs out of lubrication due to poor alignment with the chain which causes excessive friction. This increased friction and absence of lubrication leave a black streak that runs along the bar track while using the chainsaw.
According to Saw Advise, you can avoid this problem to happen adding excessive amount of lubrication oil, but the ultimate solution of this problem is to get the bar replace with a new one. Meanwhile, if you want to keep the bar and chain of your chainsaw working for a long time, you must pay heed to add enough lubrication every time you use it.
Poor Fitting of Chain
Putting the chain on the bar and then adjustment of tension in chain can be challenging sometimes; especially, when the bar is not in a position in which it should have been. Chain of chainsaw must sit snugly on the bar – you can take the chain away from the bar and then release it, if it does not sit back to its initial position, it indicates the problem with the bar.
When you keep on using your chainsaw, the bar track damage happens due to wear and tear which causes the bar track to become too low and too wide. Due to this problem chain jumps out of the track whenever you use it, and it can pose a serious safety threat for user as well.
Again, if you are facing this problem with your chainsaw, you should consider replacing the bar; otherwise, you will advertently put your own safety at risk while working with it.
Seized Movement of Sprocket
There is a sprocket inside the chainsaw, and chainsaw chain rotates on this sprocket. Get the chain off from the bar, and try to rotate the sprocket with your finger. If sprocket rotates freely, then there will be no problem with the bar of your chainsaw.
But if sprocket does not rotate freely, it means that the bar of your chainsaw is not in good working condition, and most probably, you may need to replace it.
Unfamiliar Noise
If you are using a chainsaw, and you come across a clicking or grinding unfamiliar noise, you should consider it as an indication regarding the bar of your chainsaw. Usually, this type of sound comes from the chainsaw when the bar gets degraded.
In gas-powered chainsaws, you may not be able to hear the sound because there is already a massive noise that comes from the engine of the chainsaw.
Therefore, these are major indications, and if you find any of them in your chainsaw, you should consider the replacement of the bar of your chainsaw.
Chainsaws are extremely resilient in nature, however still, they can show some malfunctioning if they aren’t taken care properly. If you intend to keep using your chainsaw for years, you must be very careful about its parts; especially, its engine, bar and chain.
In above-mentioned paragraphs, there are certain factors that indicate the need of replacement of the bar of your chainsaw. If you do not change the bar, you will not only deteriorate other parts of chainsaw, but you will be consciously putting your safety at risk.