Nobody wants to see those close to them in pain. When someone you care about, like a friend, is hurt, you’ll most likely rush to their aid and see what you can do to make things better.
You’ll probably want to do something when your friend sustains injuries in the workplace or a traffic accident. In legal terms, such injuries are referred to as personal injury since the victim has been harmed due to another party’s negligence.
Depending on the extent of the injuries, a person can end up unable to function as they used to. They may become disabled or struggle with pain and trauma.
It’s, therefore, important to encourage your friend to seek help for personal injury if you feel like they haven’t taken action.
When to Step in
When it comes to personal injury, help is needed shortly after the individual is harmed. The longer you wait, the worse things get.
There are many ways your injured friend can receive the assistance they need. It’s crucial that you step in immediately to encourage them to take action.
Here are various forms of assistance your friend can benefit from:
Police Intervention
Before anything else happens, the authorities need to be notified about the accident. Something has already gone wrong, and delaying police intervention will only result in difficulties later, especially when seeking legal action.
As soon as you hear of the incident that has harmed the person you care about, inquire about the authorities.
If you find that attempts haven’t been made to file a report with the police, encourage your injured friend to take that step. Remind them that involving the authorities makes it possible to have a formal investigation.
Let your friend see that calling 911 is the first step toward receiving help.
Medical Care
Notifying the authorities immediately after an injury allows focusing on medical attention.
If the injury is critical, like when it involves a serious traffic accident, making that 911 call is not just lifesaving, it’s also the first step towards notifying the authorities.
In the event that a friend is harmed in your presence or you happen to be close by to arrive at the scene first, make the decision for them and call for an ambulance.
Remember, immediate medical care saves lives and can prevent the situation from worsening.
Sometimes your friend may not seem to be in immediate danger and may even decline medical attention. Try persuading them to change their mind and seek medical help to avoid complications that may arise from their injuries.
Legal Representation
Injuries have legal consequences. When those injuries don’t result from your actions but someone else’s, you have the right to take legal action against the negligent party. You reserve the right to sue for damages, and it’s encouraged to do so due to the pain and burden that injuries cause.
Talk to your friend about seeking the help of a personal injury attorney. JT Legal Group encourages swift action right after an injury.
Quick action allows your attorney to hit the ground running, gathering evidence and staying ahead of the at-fault party’s insurance lawyers, who will also be at work to discredit the personal injury claim.
Besides physical injuries, your friend may also suffer from trauma associated with their experience. The two often go hand in hand, as physical injuries could lead to emotional distress.
Your friend should try not to focus on physical healing alone and neglect their mental well-being.
Encourage your friend to go for counseling. A therapist is uniquely equipped to help guide them through whatever issues they struggle with due to the injury.
Work on letting your struggling friend see that counseling offers the tools to deal with trauma, especially if they’re showing symptoms of serious conditions like PTSD.
Support Group
The value of a support group is in providing a social circle for people who are going through similar issues or have been involved in incidents that give them a common ground.
Whatever injuries your friend has received, physically or mentally, there are groups centered on people just like them. These groups provide a safe space for sharing personal experiences, concerns, coping strategies, and more.
If your friend has difficulty dealing with the effects of their injuries, persuade them to join a support group.
Being there for someone you care about when injured is the best way to show love and support. Try figuring out what form of assistance the individual needs and encourage them to take those steps.