For every commercial activity, there is usually the best time to engage in it-to everything there is a season, and buying land is no exception. With the varying market conditions that affect land value, different buyers have shown interest in disparate seasons when purchasing land.
Of all the seasons chosen, the best time to buy land are colder months, which is mainly explained by the fact that during colder months competition in the real estate market tends to be lower. Of course, sometimes exceptions take place. Experts state that this pattern is even more realistic for recreational and hunting land. It’s essential to keep in mind that besides competition, the price of a land depends on the geographical location, as well. In this season, the other various factors affect the value of land that comes out clearly. The following are reasons you should buy land in cold months.
Retention of water
One of the best factors to consider when buying your land is the drainage factor of the land. The rainy season is a favorable time for your land as you can see the water retention of the place the land is located. There are various ways in which drainage of the land affects the value of the land.
With good drainage, agricultural activities are likely to thrive with ease. You won’t have to keep on digging drainage trenches on your land to allow water to flow out of the farm. Imagine having agricultural land where you have to suffer loss every rainy season with crops submerged in water. It’s devastating to think about it. Right?
In colder months, it’s straightforward to determine the soil properties of the land that you are about to buy. You will know the kind of trees best adapted to that area from the water retention ability. If no other option, consider having trees like eucalyptus with a high water intake rate as they will facilitate good drainage of the area.
Areas with poor drainage are prone to waterborne diseases if proper precautions are not taken to either spray the water bodies or cut drainage troughs to direct the water out. Spraying your land every rainy season can be polluting the environment around by causing harm to aquatic organisms.
It’s only during the rainy season that you will see these hazards on the land. With these pointers in people’s minds, it’s rare to find a land affected by the above factors going for high value. During summer, dealers may take advantage of your innocence and charge you a lot of money. Too, deciding whether to buy the land for settlement or timberland plantation becomes more accessible as their alternative in that some high-in-demand hardwoods survive in low drainage areas.
Adequate time to prepare the land for summer activities
Different buyers usually have disparate reasons for buying land. To some, they always aim at planting trees, others farming or for hunting activities. It will be so unfortunate to purchase land when the activities you are looking forward to putting into place are taking place at the moment.
If you are buying the land for hunting, it would be favorable during this season as you will have ample time to prepare your ground for hunting during summer. As in most cases, people tend to work for fewer hours during winter; fencing the land becomes easy.
Apart from hiring someone to do it, you will get to see the actual operation and gather skills that you can use to repair the fence if it breaks at a point.
Having ample time to prepare your land and seedlings to be planted on the ground is essential. There is a high possibility that the seedlings are likely to dry if you transplant them during winter. Taking your time during these cold months to take care of your tree nursery is essential and transplanting them during the perfect spring timing.
The accessibility of land can easily be determined during rainy seasons or cold months. This affects too on the value at which the land will be sold. Various factors influence the value of land that is vibrant during cold seasons.
During summer, the roads to the land may appear very clear with no sign of loose soil particles until it rains. That when the soil becomes more sticky and vehicles start to get stuck on the land. Not unless you are a soil scientist. It will be challenging to determine this during the summer.
Some places are prone to springs during the rainy season, making them very inaccessible, especially if they tend to be swampy. It’s also difficult to trace the origin of the spring and see the amount of water available to avoid living in fear. Buildings tend to sink at a high rate in areas that are infested with springs during rainy seasons.
In some places, you will find that during the rainy season, certain species of plants that are thorny in nature sprout and cover the whole area within a brief period. These plants are dangerous as they cause harm to people around, and in most cases, they scare away settlement.