
What Kind of Lights Are Used in Red Light Therapy? (Here’s Your Answer!)

A common question among the RLT community would be “What kind of lights are used in red light therapy?”

LEDs! That’s your answer.

However, why are LEDs used rather than other light types? Red light therapy is a treatment alternative that focuses on treatments that are less painful and more comfortable.

What comes first when you think of red light therapy? Comfort and a relaxed treatment method, right? This means specific clinical standards in light therapy need to be followed.

However, if you want to grab an RLT device for home, there are certain things you do need to look at first:

  • The type of the device
  • The intensity it offers
  • It’s size and range
  • The wavelength of your device
  • It’s overall power and convenience

However, we always recommend that you consult with the support team or experts to understand the type of device you need better.

Using other light types, like fluorescent or incandescent, might cause overheating, which can be painful. Therefore, LEDs are the best option for the best and most effective therapy.

Do you want to know the tips and considerations you must include on your checklist while choosing a red light therapy device?

If yes, then without further ado, let’s binge on.

Summary: Types Of Lights In Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy devices can’t binge on using fluorescent or incandescent light, as these lights can get overheated. So, LEDs are preferred in red light therapy! Why’s that? The answer’s simple; LEDs avoid overheating and give you the ideal comfort when taking these therapy sessions.

Why Not All Red Lights Are Created Equal?

One primary reason red lights are not created similarly is their different wavelengths. This means that different red light therapies come with varying ranges of power.

Most people need a red light therapy device with a wavelength range of 630nm to 660nm and 810nm if it’s near-infrared.

Regular lights like halogen, fluorescent, and incandescent aren’t best for red light therapy. These selected lights come with a mix of different lights, including a few that we don’t require.

That’s not all; these lights can be hot during the sessions, and you definitely won’t want this. This is why LED lights are preferred compared to other light types. Moreover, other light types won’t be as effective as LEDs.

The Superhero of RLT: LED Lights Explained

Light-emitting diodes or LEDs are the superheroes of RLT, and this is not even an exaggeration.

Here’s how these LED lights work in the first place: 

LEDs first emit light when electrons travel around a semiconductor material. Unlike old bulbs that use gas or filaments, LEDs don’t waste energy by generating heat. Instead, they convert most of this energy into light.

This efficiency is essential for red light therapy, as it means more energy is used to give off a certain wavelength required for the treatment.

Another brilliant feature you’ll love about LEDs is that they can emit specific wavelengths from 630nm to 660nm. This certainty in the wavelength ensures that the light penetrates deep into the skin where it needs to be treated.

Besides having superhero-like features to give off specific wavelengths, LEDs also have other benefits.

Now, let’s get things straight. The first thing you can expect from these LEDs is that they are highly efficient compared with old-school bulbs. This not only saves electricity but also cuts down the cost of the device.

Another remarkable feature of LEDs is that they emit low heat compared to halogen incandescent bulbs. This feature is crucial because LEDs need to provide comfort so you can enjoy the sessions without pain while receiving these therapies.

Lastly, LEDs are remarkable in longevity, lasting thousands of hours. This means you can count on them for your red light therapy without worrying about changing the bulbs frequently.

Choosing The Right LED For You: 3 Absolute Ways

When you pick an LED red light therapy device, there are certain things that you need to look for before you go on to pick one.

1. Wavelength

Ensure that the device you choose emits light within the range of the red light therapy (somewhere from 630nm to 660nm). Knowing the wavelength of your device is required as this gives you an idea of how effective the device will be.

2. Power Density

Power density plays a crucial role in managing the power of your RLT devices. When your device has a higher power density, shorter treatment sessions will be enough. In such a way, the therapy will be more effective. However, it would be best to balance your power density with proper safety so that you can avoid any health risks or overheating.

3. Device Size

Choosing the right device size is needed, especially when targeting certain areas of your body. For instance, if you aim to treat a considerable part of your body, you’ll need a more significant device covering your desired area. However, if the treatment area is small, a simple and compact device would be good enough for you.

Wrapping Up: LEDs In The RLT Devices

Knowing what kind of lights are used in red light therapy will help you understand why certain lights are maintained in these devices. LEDs have always had the upper hand regarding the best results for people with different conditions.

Yes, different lights could have been used, but other light types can cause overheating, and you won’t get the comfy treatment you require. However, factors like size, wavelength, and density need to be checked when choosing the ideal red light therapy. This way, you’ll know which type of device is best for your type.

Yet, if you’re unsure, there is nothing to worry about. You can always consult with experts and healthcare professionals to guide you through your best RLT device.

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