
What is the Role of Technology in the Compact Tax Reform? Insights by William D King

William D King

The tax code for the United States is not a static documentary says William D King. Instead, it’s a set of rules that delineate every American’s tax policy, whether they are taxpaying entities, individuals, corporations, families, and the like.

All these changes, comprise of a narrow impact and focus. And at times the chances indicate an effort by the IRS or Congress for making the tax filing easier or faster for individuals. And at other times, the changes made indicate the new laws, like the Affordable Care Act, that developed the Individual Mandate, for buying health insurance. Irrespective of the cause, all these changes resulted in the tax code’s complications and length. Also, it has developed a common cause among the politicians who belong to the prominent parties: a compact tax reform. William D King shares his views and insights regarding this in this article.

The expense of collecting and filing taxes

Today, the IRS functions on a budget of over $11 billion annually. In the meantime, individual taxpayers’ expense was more than $40 billion back in 2016. It was seen that businesses were spending about 4 to 6 billion dollars on their tax compliance annually. Other than the expensive tax preparation, the taxpayers spend about six billion hours preparing the taxes each year.

Several ideological contests revolving around the tax policy and the proposals for the compact tax reforms, place notions of fairness. Even then there is an essential conversation on who needs to pay the costs for submitting the tax returns and managing the processing costs of such returns. However, the taxpayers are accountable for both cost sets, as the revenues garnered by the taxes offer the IRS budget says William D King.

It is one of the main places where technology’s capacity can impact the tax reform in the forthcoming days. Also, paradoxically, bringing specific technology types in this blend aims to streamline the filing procedure and it gets viewed as a conflict of interest.

The law, revenue, and transparency

Today, online accounting software is useful for individuals and businesses. Right from tax planning, budgeting, and gaining know-how of the spending patterns, managed costs, and heightened security. The potency of online financial records got establish. And that power makes data management simpler and makes data easier to analyze, organized and portable.

Finally, when the corporate taxpayers get concerned. It brings in a bigger shift in the priorities on the transparency generated by globalization. It means that businesses are welcoming more accounting and data functions to the online age for maximizing. The visibility and mobility of the tax problems internally amidst the relevant parties. As per William D King, the requirement to adhere to several jurisdictions and the local taxation authorities indicates that global businesses are using technology more than ever. There are several legislators, who are searching for methods to reform the tax code in the United States. Not just to assist the compliance efforts, but to incentivize the corporations. To share increase data and offer government increased insight to the trends. Challenges and the scopes to assist the expansion of the private businesses.


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