What is the passing rate of Cisco Certification? The passing rate of different levels of Cisco Certification is extremely different!
Cisco CCNA
There is only theoretical knowledge and no practical operation in CCNA. As the most elementary basic certification in Cisco Certification, the examination is less difficult and mainly depends on the study of question bank. Even the self-study rate is very high. But correspondingly, the value is naturally very low.
According to the teaching plan designed by SPOTO, all CCNA coursesneed 24 days which is 28 class hours. It mainly includes four learning modules, namely network basic principle, network access technology, network interconnection technology and network service. Through the study of these modules, students can understand the basic architecture of enterprise network, understand the basic principles of network communication, and master the network deployment and troubleshooting of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Cisco CCNP
CCNP Certification Exam includes two examination subjects, the examination cost of the two subjects is USD 700, the core written examination time is 120 minutes, the examination questions are 100, the full score of the examination is 1000, and the pass score is 804. You can obtainCCNP Certification only after you pass both examinations.
From the test content, we can see that the difficulty of CCNP is much greater than that of CCNA, and the natural pass rate is also reduced. However, because CCNP is also a pure theory test, most of the tests that need careful study can be passed after hard work.
Cisco CCIE
CCIE Exam is more difficult, and compared with CCNA and CCNP, it increases the experimental test. It is far from enough to rely solely on online tutorial self-study.
At present, CCIE (Cisco Certified Internet Expert) holders account for less than 3% of the total number of Cisco Certified personnel, and less than 1% of global network practitioners (Cisco official data).
From this data, we can clearly see the difficulty of CCIE Exam.
The passing rate of CCIE in SPOTO has remained high for many years. SPOTO has designed professional systematic courses according to the examination outline and characteristics. The basic module course alone takes 20 days, including 22 class hours. The knowledge covers network infrastructure, transmission technology and solutions, as well as infrastructure support and services.
The special module course takes a total of 45 days which is 48 class hours, including SD – Access Elementary of software defined network, SD – Access Advanced of software defined network, SD – WAN Elementary of software defined network, SD – WAN Advanced of software defined network, and network automation and programmability.
SPOTO has the latest test report to help candidates understand the dynamic situation of the tests. The teacher will follow up the students’ learning situation in real time, answer the questions raised by the candidates, conduct unit tests and learning tracking. At the same time, SPOTO will conduct simulation test before the formal test and restore the examination environment to ensure the passing rate! You can pass if you play normally in the exam. Teachers in SPOTO will also explain the 8-hour precautions and test skills for candidates.