Finance News

What is the Eyeballs Financial App? The First Fintech App Awarded U.S. Patent for RIQs

Sometimes, financial decisions need quick answers. And when people have questions, they can’t always wait for an appointment with their advisor. 

Playing phone tag and deciphering complicated financial reports is a thing of the past. Today, if people need to know how their portfolio is performing, how rising interest rates affect the value of their bonds, or if a stock is a good buy, they have instant access to invaluable stores of financial information.

Eyeballs is the first fintech app to combine peace of mind from trusted financial advisors with the convenience of artificial intelligence. This pairing provides people with up-to-date and secure insight into their financial portfolios and investments.

When users wonder about their total trust, mutual fund, net portfolio value, the current balance of their retirement account, or their total equity, the Eyeballs app is ready with real-time answers. The app can even inform users about the current price, total shares, and total value of any current stock investment.

Explore the user-friendly features of the Eyeballs app

“We designed the Eyeballs app to be, first and foremost, user-friendly,” says Mitchell Morrison, founder and creator of Eyeballs Financial. “When users tap the ‘Ask Eyeballs’ tab, they see a voice-activated microphone along with a list of financial questions. When the microphone is red, they can either ask a question through voice activation or tap the question on the screen to receive an instant answer.”

The Eyeballs mobile app employs artificial intelligence to answer these financial questions in real-time. The AI-based platform analyzes data from multiple sources and provides answers within seconds through a process known as remote inquiry questions, or RIQs.

Users can customize the app’s list of financial questions by selecting those that are most relevant to their daily needs. They select their favorite questions by scrolling through dozens of financial inquiries and tapping a heart symbol when they encounter one they believe they will use frequently.

“After users create their own list of favorite financial questions, they can tap the favorites icon to find their list,” Morrison explains. “We typically find that clients have around five to 10 questions they need answers for regularly. The app keeps the answers to these just a tap away in one convenient location.”

In addition to answering users’ favorite questions, the Eyeballs app offers various features and information. Users can learn about these features by tapping on the app’s onboarding or tour tabs.  

As users explore the app’s capabilities, they’ll find they can easily identify their stock investments to learn the current worth of their assets, and access quarterly financial reports and current financial statements.

Finally, Eyeballs provides a glossary of financial terms. Some of these terms may be common jargon in the financial space, but Eyeballs aims to make content accessible to investors of all levels. When users come across a word they do not understand, they can ask the app for a definition and description.

Combining the speed of AI with the expertise of trusted financial advisors

As fast and accurate as AI can be, sometimes people just need to talk with a knowledgeable human to have their financial questions answered. In these cases, the Eyeballs app puts users a few taps away from a live appointment.     

With the Eyeballs app, users simply select an available time and tap “submit” to send the request to their advisors, who then either accept the appointment or provide an alternative time and day. When users confirm the appointment, it appears on their online calendar.

The app also allows users to forward specific questions straight to their advisors, such as whether they should buy or sell a stock or if they have unrealized losses, merely by tapping the “rep direct” icon. After this, they tap the microphone to speak a subject line and their question, and as soon as they hit submit, their advisors receive an alert.

“You might be wondering why you need to stay on top of your financial portfolio, especially if you have a financial advisor,” concludes Morrison. “The answer is simple: advisors are not available 24/7. This leads to confusion, frustration, and missed opportunities for growth and improvement in your finances. Through the Eyeballs Financial app, AI and advisors give users insights into their finances that empower them to make better decisions about how they spend, save, and invest their hard-earned cash. With this groundbreaking app, you never have to worry about missing out on important information or financial insight again.”

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