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What is a Cyber Vault?

Understanding the nature of different cybersecurity measures only gets more complex with time. The reason for this is that as the world’s technical needs and capabilities grow, so too do those of bad actors. Therefore, to protect your organization’s data, you may look toward more advanced cybersecurity solutions, like a Zerto cyber resilience vault, for instance.

Since cybersecurity is only becoming more critical for any business, your literacy of key terms must be sharp and well-practiced. So, let’s talk about cyber vaults, from what they really are, to how they aid a business.

What is cyber recovery?

To truly understand the concept of a cyber vault, let’s first describe the concept of cyber recovery.

It’s a concept that conjures images from police dramas, with skilled technicians working on damaged hard drives to gather tiny nodes of information.

In real life, the idea of cyber recovery is simple: keep a backup of several core files and applications, so you can revert the entire system to this backup later. This makes the ‘recovery’ word a little clearer: it’s not referring to retrieving lost data, but to ensuring that the system in question recovers its former functionality.

Crucially, the backup in question is typically a very basic one. This basic backup would allow a company to rebuild from an easier point, rather than fighting an uphill struggle.

What is a cyber vault?

A cyber vault is a system that builds on the concept of cyber recovery. Instead of that backup being a very basic point, early in the development phase of the system, a cyber vault may store service-specific data and applications in a modular format.

What this means is that specific (company-critical) services can be restored in a much more rapid way. For instance, let’s imagine some form of cyber attack totally destroyed the computer system in a grocery store chain. While restoring data backups is important, it’s much more urgent to restore POS systems and get stores up and running.

A cyber vault allows a company to isolate these important systems, and restore them individually.

When does a cyber vault help a business?

A cyber vault is something of a last-resort option for most businesses. Most of the time, disaster recovery plans will serve to restore functionality if a small geographic location is impacted – restoring POS services to stores after a flood, for instance.

A cyber vault, however, becomes most useful when the entire IT system is at risk. Essentially, a cyber vault system is needed when a lot of data must be deleted (to remove malware), and then a system must be restored.

What is cyber resilience?

Essentially, cyber resilience is an overall approach to cyber security. The concept is ensuring that not only is the tech secure, but so are the people running it, and the businesses using it. To put it neatly: a cyber resilient approach to business ensures that you have a comprehensive cyber vault system, that you work to pre-emptively not need.

A cyber vault is part of a comprehensive cybersecurity system. Ensuring that your tech is secure will lead to more peace of mind during an intensive cyber attack.

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