You might feel it is the right time to break ties with your cable or internet provider for a genuine reason. Since you might be moving out to a new place so you cannot continue using the services of your current provider. Whatsoever is the case, you surely need to know the cancellation process. If you do not play it smartly, you might end up wasting your time and money.
If you are bind in a contract, you are likely to be charged a termination fee. If you are a renter then you should prefer providers with no-contract policy. In that case, you do not have to worry about any termination fee when you have to move to a new place all of a sudden at times. You can check out for further assistance since there are high-quality internet and cable TV service providers like Spectrum who offer a no-contract policy too.
You are also supposed to return the leased equipment if and when you cancel the service. Here is a look at the types of fees and issues you might run into during the cancellation process.
Contract or No Contract
Whenever you sign up a contract, make sure you go through the terms and conditions thoroughly. More often, internet providers offer you cheaper rates for signing a one or two year contract. If you are planning to stay at a place for at least two years or more, you should go for the contract signing to avail any added benefits.
When it comes to breaking the contract, providers offer no fee if you cancel their services in the first fifteen days or inform them within the predefined notice period mentioned in the contract.
What is the ETF?
ETFs are common among the TV or internet service providers. If you agree to stick to the contract and complete the tenure for at least a year, you get a discount. However, if you break it, you will be charged a fee every month for the remaining duration of your contract. You are usually bound to pay this fee since it is in accordance with the law. So in case you do not, the internet provider can claim it legally which might get you in trouble.
Getting Rid of Equipment Charges
Most internet providers usually offer rental modems, routers or other hardware. You are charged for them per month usually under the technology fees, modem rentals or equipment fees. If you want to get rid of this fee, you must purchase your own equipment. In case of cancellation of service, make sure that you return all the leased equipment or you will have to pay the full price of that hardware. You must find out the retail locations of your provider so that you can return their equipment.
Saving Yourself From the Installation Charges
One of the best ways to get rid of the installation fee is to go for the self-installed kits. You are likely to receive a box containing a router and modem and you can set it up by yourself. It is usually not very difficult and can save you from any installation fee. Therefore, you can consider this option in the first place if you find it convincing
Make A Phone Call
It is always recommended to call your service provider and discuss things with their live correspondent. You should be able to get a better insight into their cancellation policy and plan accordingly. This will save you from any surprises later regarding the cancellation process of your provider. If you gather all the required information from your service provider and do some math regarding the whole process, you might be able to save yourself from any damage.
Concluding it Up,
You can follow the above-mentioned suggestions to avoid facing any trouble in the service cancellation process. Going through your entire contract thoroughly and communicating with your service provider will allow you to have a better understanding of the entire process. Moreover returning the company equipment can save your wallet from any damage. It is always helpful to look out for new service providers that offer a contract buyout policy to make the process even more convenient.