
What are short courses?

The world is currently driven by technology, creativity and innovation. Therefore, there has been an increase in knowledge today, which requires people to constantly update themselves to meet up with the demand or improve skills. This is where short courses can be used to give you that single boost that you need.

What are short courses for?

Short courses are courses you take to improve an existing skill or learn a new one in a very short period of time.  The duration of short courses varies from a few weeks to months, depending on the discipline and purpose. However, since there is no standard timeline, most courses allow you to finish at your own pace. Some short courses are not certified while others are. Courses are taught in such a way to allow students to comprehend and practice the new skills they have learned in their own work environment. Short courses are different from a university degree or diploma; however, most institutions also offer short courses freely to help those who may not afford an entire degree. For example, the University of IOWA’s creative writing course accepts writers from all over the world.

Who needs short courses?

  • Short courses are very important to those already working in a company or establishment, both government and the private sector. This is to help them update their skills on the job, learn new strategies and get ideas. For example, a medical doctor working in the Children ward of a hospital can take a short course on child’s psychology, or on how art positively improves the health of a child. This would improve his working skills since it is directly related to the people he works with every day.
  • It is also good for people who want to change an area of study or interest but are constrained by time.
  • Entrepreneurs are another group in need of short courses. This is to help them scale through in managing their business, discovering wider opportunities in the business world.
  • Short courses are relatively cheap compared to a university degree or master’s programme. So it is also for those who have little or no funds to learn about a particular subject of their interest.

Where can I take a short course?

There are many programme online in most reputable platforms offering short courses. A common example of online short courses platform is Udemy and Coursera. However, most universities offer them a certification and you could just select your preference by searching for them online.

What type of courses are on offer?

Every discipline offers short courses. However, some courses cannot be studied in a short amount of time. For example, medicine and surgery, law and others that may need a license before one could practice.  Here are a few popular short courses that could be found anywhere online:

  • Introduction to Blockchain technology
  • Google digital skills
  • Introduction to Seo
  • Makeup application
  • Child psychology
  • Colour theory and mixture
  • Drawing and painting portraits
  • Event management
  • Working with Adobe cc pro
  • Photoshop Basics
  • Dialogue in creative writing

Why should I take a short course?

  • To update existing skills.
  • To improve your employability chances and CV
  • To improve your experiences by acquiring new skills.
  • For knowledge

Finally, we cannot dispute the relevance of short courses with the proliferation of knowledge in today’s fast-paced world, especially in the education sector, since it offers one more in a very short period of time. Therefore, in your search for self-improvement and awareness, or updating that already gotten skill, take a short course, for it is the only shortcut that works.

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