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What Are Piercing Retainers & What Are Their Benefits?

Piercing enthusiasts love to adorn their bodies with various kinds of jewelry, including studs, hoops, barbells, and more. But sometimes, certain situations may require you to remove your jewelry temporarily. This is where a piercing retainer comes in handy. In this blog, we will discuss what a piercing retainer is and its importance.

A piercing retainer is a small piece of body jewelry that is designed to keep a piercing open without drawing too much attention to it. Retainers are usually made of clear or flesh-colored materials like acrylic or bioplast, which make them virtually invisible. They are also available in metal, but these are less common.

A retainer’s size and shape vary according to the piercing location, and they can be worn in almost any type of piercing, including ear, nose, tongue, lip, and navel.

A piercing retainer is useful in many situations. For instance, some workplaces do not allow visible body jewelry, and wearing a retainer can help you keep your piercing open while adhering to the dress code. Similarly, some people may need to remove their jewelry for medical procedures, like MRIs or surgeries. In such cases, a retainer can prevent the piercing from closing and make it easier to reinsert the jewelry afterward.

Moreover, retainer jewelry is a great option for athletes or individuals engaging in physical activities. Regular jewelry can get caught on clothing or equipment, and the possibility of injury or tearing is high. A retainer minimizes the risk of getting hurt and keeps the piercing intact.

Retainers are also helpful during the healing process of a new piercing. New piercings need to be cleaned regularly and should not be exposed to harsh chemicals or cleaning products. Wearing a retainer allows you to maintain the piercing’s cleanliness without removing the jewelry entirely. Additionally, a retainer reduces the chances of bacteria entering the piercing, which could lead to an infection.

When choosing a piercing retainer, it is essential to consider the material, shape, and size. Retainers made of bioplast or acrylic are ideal for those with sensitive skin or allergies. The material is flexible and comfortable to wear, making it suitable for extended use. The shape and size of the retainer must fit the piercing correctly to prevent it from slipping out or causing discomfort.

In conclusion, a piercing retainer is an essential piece of body jewelry that serves many purposes. It is an excellent option for people who want to keep their piercing open without drawing too much attention to it, for medical reasons, or because of dress codes. Retainers also protect the piercing during physical activity and the healing process, making them a popular choice for piercing enthusiasts. It is crucial to choose the right material, size, and shape to ensure the retainer fits correctly and does not cause discomfort. Whether you are an avid piercing enthusiast or need to maintain your piercing for work or medical reasons, a piercing retainer is a must-have accessory for anyone with body piercings.

12 Different Types Of Piercing Retainers And Their Usage

Clear Acrylic Retainers – These retainers are perfect for those who need to hide their piercings for work or other professional settings. They’re made from clear acrylic, which makes them virtually invisible.

Flesh-Colored Retainers – Similar to clear acrylic retainers, these retainers are made to blend in with your skin tone. They’re a great option for those with sensitive skin or for piercings that are difficult to hide.

Stainless Steel Retainers – These retainers are durable and long-lasting, making them a great option for everyday wear. They’re also hypoallergenic, which makes them a safe choice for those with metal allergies.

BioFlex Retainers – These retainers are made from a flexible material that’s gentle on the skin. They’re ideal for new piercings or those that are still healing.

Glass Retainers – These retainers are a popular choice for those with stretched piercings. They’re made from high-quality glass that’s both durable and hypoallergenic.

Gemstone Retainers – These retainers are a stylish option for those who want to add a little sparkle to their piercing. They’re available in a variety of gemstones, including diamonds, rubies, and sapphires.

Threaded Retainers – These retainers are designed to screw into your piercing, which helps keep them securely in place. They’re a great option for piercings that are prone to falling out.

Push-In Retainers – These retainers are designed to push into your piercing, which makes them easy to insert and remove. They’re a great option for those who want a low-maintenance piercing retainer.

Labret Retainers – These retainers are designed for labret piercings, which are located below the lower lip. They’re typically made from stainless steel or bioflex and come in a variety of sizes and styles.

Nose Ring Retainers – These retainers are designed for nose piercings and come in a variety of styles, including screw-in, push-in, and bendable. They’re a great option for those who need to hide their nose piercing for work or other professional settings.

Septum Retainers – These retainers are designed for septum piercings and come in a variety of styles, including horseshoe-shaped and circular. They’re a great option for those who want to keep their septum piercing discreet.

Tongue Ring Retainers – These retainers are designed for tongue piercings and are typically made from clear acrylic or bioflex. They’re a great option for those who need to hide their tongue piercing for work or other professional settings.

How To Choose The Right Type Of Piercing Retainer?

Whether you’re looking to hide your piercing for work or you simply want a low-maintenance option for everyday wear, a piercing retainer is a great choice. Here are some tips to help you choose the right piercing retainer for your needs.

Choose The Right Material

One of the most important factors to consider when buying a piercing retainer is the material it’s made from. There are many different materials to choose from, including acrylic, metal, glass, and bioflex. Each material has its own unique properties, so it’s important to choose one that’s suitable for your piercing.

Acrylic is a popular choice for piercing retainers because it’s lightweight and comfortable to wear. Metal is a durable and long-lasting option, but it may not be suitable for those with metal allergies. Glass is a hypoallergenic option that’s great for those with sensitive skin. Bioflex is a flexible material that’s gentle on the skin, making it a great option for new piercings.

Consider The Size And Shape

Another important factor to consider when buying a piercing retainer is the size and shape. Piercing retainers come in a variety of sizes and shapes to fit different types of piercings. It’s important to choose a retainer that’s the right size for your piercing to ensure a comfortable and secure fit.

For example, if you have a nose piercing, you’ll need a retainer that’s specifically designed for nose piercings. If you have a labret piercing, you’ll need a retainer that’s designed for that type of piercing. Choosing the right size and shape will help ensure that your piercing retainer stays in place and doesn’t cause any discomfort.

Check The Quality

When buying a piercing retainer, it’s important to choose a high-quality product that’s made from safe materials. Cheap, low-quality piercing retainers can cause irritation, infection, and other problems. Look for piercing retainers that are made from high-quality materials and are designed to fit your piercing properly.

Consider Your Lifestyle

Your lifestyle can also play a role in choosing the right piercing retainer. If you’re active or engage in sports, you may need a retainer that’s more durable and secure. If you work in a professional setting, you may need a retainer that’s discreet and easy to hide. Consider your lifestyle and choose a retainer that’s suitable for your needs.

Choose A Reputable Seller

Finally, when buying a piercing retainer, it’s important to choose a reputable seller. Look for sellers that specialize in body jewelry and have a good reputation for quality and customer service. Avoid buying from sellers that offer cheap, low-quality products or have a poor reputation.

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