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Vic Di Criscio shares 12 Smart Ways to Use Leverage in Your Investments

Vic Di Criscio

Investing can be a complex and intimidating process for many people. But with the right amount of knowledge and understanding, you can use leverage to your advantage and make smarter investment decisions says Vic Di Criscio.

In this article, we will explore some smart ways to utilize leverage in your investments.

1. Understand the concept of leverage.

Leverage is simply the use of borrowed funds or financial instruments to boost your returns on investment, while also magnifying your risks. For example, if you purchase a stock using margin borrowing or invest in bonds that are backed by mortgage loans, you are utilizing leverage in your investments.

2. Be strategic about how much leverage to use.

Whenever you are leveraging your investments, it is important to be strategic about how much leverage you are using. Remember that the higher the amount of leverage, the higher the potential return, but also the greater the risk.

3. Consider both the risks and rewards.

When deciding whether or not to utilize leverage in your investments, it is important to consider both the potential risks and rewards. Make sure you have a solid understanding of the investment before making any Leveraged decisions.

4. Have a plan for managing risk.

If you do decide to use leverage in your investments, it is essential to have a plan in place for managing the associated risks says Vic Di Criscio. This may include diversifying your portfolio, setting stop-losses, or utilizing hedging strategies.

5. Don’t over-leverage your positions.

One of the most important things to remember when using leverage in your investments is not to over-leverage your position. This means not borrowing more money than you can afford to lose and not putting all of your eggs in one basket.

6. Consider the costs of leverage.

Another thing to keep in mind when using leverage is the costs associated with it. This includes interest payments on borrowed funds, as well as any fees charged by brokers or financial institutions.

7. Use stop-losses to limit downside risk.

A stop-loss is an order placed with a broker to sell a security when it reaches a certain price point. This can help limit your downside risk by protecting you from large losses.

8. Practice risk management techniques.

In addition to using stop-losses, there are many other risk management techniques that you can use when leveraging your investments says Vic Di Criscio. These may include diversifying your portfolio, utilizing hedging strategies, and setting realistic expectations for your investments.

9. Consider alternative investment vehicles.

If you have a high tolerance for risk and want to amplify the returns on your investments, it may be worth considering alternative vehicles such as real estate or derivatives trading. This could allow you to harness the power of leverage in new and exciting ways!

10. Don’t invest too much of your capital in leveraged positions.

When investing with the help of leverage, it is important to remember not to put too much of your capital into leveraged positions. This can help you avoid losing more than you can afford in the event that things go wrong with your investments.

11. Use leverage judiciously and selectively.

While leveraging your investments can be a powerful tool for boosting returns and managing risk, it is important to use it judiciously and selectively. Always do your research and keep track of the performance of each leveraged position in your portfolio.

12. Consult with an investment advisor or professional before making any decisions.

Before making any decisions about leveraging your investments, it is always a good idea to speak with an experienced investment advisor or professional who can offer guidance and advice on the best ways to utilize leverage in your portfolio explains Vic Di Criscio.

Using leverage can be a very effective way to amplify the returns on your investments and manage risk. However, it is important to use it judiciously and strategically if you want to get the most out of this powerful strategy.


In conclusion, when used correctly, leverage can be a powerful tool for boosting returns and managing risk. However, it is important to use it judiciously and to have a solid understanding of the investment before making any Leveraged decisions. Remember to consider both the risks and rewards have a plan for managing risk, and don’t over-leverage your positions. Finally, always consult with an investment advisor or professional before making any decisions about leveraging your investments.


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