Mr. Buzz, a partner with V3V Ventures, mostly uses his Telegram channel username to speak on the venture capital and investing strategies. Even the username of that channel @buzz is an investment: Telegram usernames can be resold (they are implemented as NFTs), and the shortest ones are valued, so this four-letter might rise in value long-term.
Sometimes he also speaks on topics that are not directly related to venture capital, but are popular in the VC world. An example of such a topic is biohacking (which could arguable be describing as “investment in yourself”).
Mr. Buzz described two things he went through, both because he was stuck at El Salvador for bureaucratic reasons:
«I remembered that in the nearby Bahamas, there’s a branch of Cellcolabs, a Swedish startup that’s conducting clinical research on stem cells. I booked a quick call with them, and we agreed I could come ASAP. Luckily, my loved ones were close by in Canada, so I gathered everyone together, and we had a blast there. Of course, I also had an IV stem cell injection – 200 million MSCs in total, to be precise.
Back in El Salvador, I thought my business was finally wrapped up, but no – one more week of waiting! What to do now? Initially, I was hesitant, but boredom (and Bryan’s example) gave me the push I needed. So, I flew to Roatán, Honduras, and got ’s Follistatin gene therapy. Sounds kind of wild, right? But after COVID vaccines, nothing really fazes me anymore.»
He promised to keep the readers updated so we’ll know long-term results. Since it the latest post in his @buzz channel for now, we’ll get to know the results later.