Culver Aviation took part in Las Vegas Commercial UAV Expo this year, where they presented an innovative product called Menatir. We decided to find out what this innovation is and where it can be used.
Culver Aviation is a technology company from Ukraine, that provides services based on data from the Earth’s surface, collected using own development UAVs.
What Is Menatir and What Technologies Were Used for Its Development
The development of this product was inspired by the need for real-time aerial monitoring that today is essential for multiple applications from military to agriculture. That is why Culver Aviation’s engineers have developed the solution which consists of fully automated base stations and a fleet of UAVs. Menatir solution provides several unique features:
⦁ Fully automated vertical takeoff and landing of drones from base stations.
⦁ Instant transmission of data in real-time.
⦁ Roaming of UAVs between base stations.
The scope of usage for the Menatir solution is wide-ranging. It will be indispensable for tracking fires and monitoring infrastructure objects. Taking into account its unique features, Menatir will be useful for both governmental institutions and large business.
What Features of a New UAV Station Make It Unique
There are several features that distinguish innovation from Culver Aviation. First of all, what is Menatir? It is a network of autonomous base stations, each holding up to 6 UAVs. Each drone can fly up to 90 km without recharging. The system operation is fully automated and the whole Menatir base stations network can be operated by one specialist remotely from any location. Drones in automatic mode are launched from a container, perform a task and return according to the scheduled missions. It takes 3 minutes from the receipt of the command to the departure of the aircraft.
To acquire data when performing missions Menatir drones are equipped with top-notch video and foto recording equipment. Several options of drone payloads are offered, including various cameras, pollution detection equipment, or it can be custom equipment that suits weight and dimension requirements.
Besides this, there are several more features that outstand the new aerial monitoring solution by Culver Aviation.
⦁ 24/7/365 aerial monitoring with only one operator required
⦁ 6 UAV payload types that can be switched on site.
⦁ High scalability. New UAV base stations can be integrated into an existing network to extend system coverage.
⦁ High-efficient drones and long lasting batteries offer extended mission time for Menatir UAVs.
⦁ Menatir base station is located into a 20-foot shipping container
⦁ If while doing an important task a UAV requires charging, the task isn’t interrupted, being continued by another UAV.
⦁ Monitoring data that is collected by UAVs is processed by AI-based software that was in-house developed specially for this project. Besides, system operation and data management can be performed via smartphone using a special mobile app.
As a result, the new solution by the Ukrainian tech company can come in handy for multiple business and governmental applications. It can help in forestry and environmental protection areas, emergency services, mining industry and the military.