
Trends in Gaming Translations and Overview of the Global Gaming Industry

Gaming Translations

Contrary to what is usually expected, executing localized translations alone is a challenging task but when there are gaming translations, clients’ focus is always on fast delivery and quality of translations. If you want linguistically accurate and culturally fit gaming translations, continue reading, you are at the right place. 

Many industries like software, medical, and gaming require highly accurate translations with fast delivery.  Irrespective of the field, we all know the importance of translations for customer services, increasing sales, and ROI. A leading software translation services company would leave no stone unturned in providing a native experience to its global player markets. In this short read, we will discuss the figures and numbers from the global gaming industry to find out the current trends, key game types, and country-specific behaviors of the Chinese and the US nations with their revenue streams.

We can divide the game translation process into two classes, UI translations (subtitles & voice translations) and text translation (in-game chat & voice chat). Moreover, we will briefly discuss the overall progress and direction of the global gaming industry and what are the indications for 2024 and 2025. 

What is Game UI Translation

UI translations are one of the most in-demand game translations. In UI translations the focus is on the specific subtype of translations like for the target audience of the US and MENA countries, etc. UI translations are one of the key elements that are needed to be translated. All multinational gaming companies acquire the services of a professional translation company to make their games truly ready for international launch. 

In a nutshell, translating anything and everything that is related to the game experience and user interaction is known as UI translation, e.g., menus, game systems, HUD elements, story materials, audio, etc. The expert video game UI translators provide game players with a truly international gaming experience. UI translations take time and are mostly carried out before the game launch.

What is Game Chat Translation

This type of game translation is required mostly in multiplayer games and falls under the category of live chat gaming translations. In multiplayer games, the key interactive elements are coordination, communication, and cooperation between the players. There is no room for any cultural and linguistic mistakes or misunderstandings. To ensure that international players can access and use the same in-game vocabulary and maintain basic communication across multiple languages, a professional game translation services plays a crucial role in bridging linguistic and cultural barriers. 

Moreover, the $8.5 billion industry of game ad revenue also relies on global game experience. The whooping number of game ad revenues indicates its financial importance and highlights the need for game chat and game UI translations. Below are the mobile game advertisement stats of the US from 2021 to projected numbers for 2025. 

Year Game Ad Revenues % Change  Types of In-Game Ads
2021 $5.49 34.0% Static Advertising e.g., static ads
2022 $5.96 8.5% Interstitial Ads e.g., full-screen ads 
2023 $6.85 15.0% Dynamic Ads 
2024 $7.74 7.74% Product Placement
2025 $8.95 8.59% Sponsored Ads/Events
Interactive Ads
Reward Based Ads
Banner Ads
Video Ads

US Gaming Stats

According to an August 2023 EMARKETER forecast, by the end of 2024, half of the US population will be digital gamers. Look at these up-to-date stats. 

Name of Gaming Type Percentage
Mobile Gamers The largest segment with 168.2 million people.
Total Gaming population of the US  49.2% of the total US population.
Console Gamers 4% use consoles.
Mobile Gamers 90% of Gamers are on mobile.
Laptop Gamers 6% use laptops for gaming.

Overall Numbers of Digital Gamers in the US

Below are the overall figures for the gaming population of the US. Although there are big differences among the users of the different platforms. But here we are ignoring the differences in the gaming platforms and considering the total number and percentage. 

Year USD in Millions % of the US Population
2021 $180.3 53.8%
2022 $182.5 54.1%
2023 $184.6 54.4%
2024 $186.7 54.6%
2025 $188.8 54.9%

Growth of Chinese Gaming Market 2018-2023

As technology advances, the evolution in the cable network plus the availability of fast internet like DOCSIS3, enable tech companies and cloud operators to introduce fast gaming services. Moreover, easy access to cloud infrastructure ensures cost-effectiveness and a lifelike user experience for contemporary gamers and gaming communities. Additionally, cloud computing is one of the key thriving sectors of China.

Year Growth in Billion, RMB)  Percentage Trends in Chinese Gaming Industry
2018 214.44 5.32% E-Sports mobile category games
2019 230.87 7.66% Virtual reality (VR)
2020 278.68 20.71% League of Legends (PC)
2021 296.51 6.4% Honor of Kings
2022 265.88 -10.33%  PUBG (China variant)
2023 302.96 13.95% Peacekeeper Elite
Riot Games

Source: 2023 China Gaming Industry Report

Get in Touch with Game Translation Service Now!

Whether it is your tech business, brand, or company, localized translations are the key to success in the global market(s). No matter how fast and unique your game experience is, the popularity of your game will depend on the international launch and the response of global gaming communities from all around the world. If you’re thinking of launching your game in the global market(s), language service providers play a crucial role in the translation, localization, and global launch of your games. Get in touch with a professional gaming translation service provider and multiply your ROI organically.

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