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Top tips for making your next business event impactful

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Hosting business events can be great opportunities to reach new audiences through networking, whilst also showcasing the benefits and expertise of your business. The trick is putting on an event which is memorable and creates a connection with those who attend.

That might sound simple enough but hosting an impactful business event can be difficult if you don’t have the right elements included in your plan. So, here are some of the key things to consider when putting on your next business event to make it as successful as possible.

Present, don’t read 

Many business events hinge on  presentations which detail some key topics centred around your business. This could be a single presentation or a series of speeches from key individuals who might attract your desired audience.

The first step in putting together a successful presentation for your business event is to actually present your slides, rather that just reading what is on them verbatim. Learning your topic will allow you to talk more freely about the subject matter and be more confident when presenting.

You can still reference back to the slides as a prompt, but by discussing additional information you will add value to your presentation. Those in the audience will be more engaged as you aren’t just repeating what they can read off of the slides and what you say will have a bigger impact.

Engaging the crowds 

The duration of business events can range anywhere from an evening to a day-long conference. Hour-long talks can wear down the attention of attendees and result in their concentration wandering during later presentations.

Grabbing the attention of those who’re at your business event goes beyond putting on insightful presentations and doing things differently. You need to leverage other forms of engagement with those attending. One of the best ways of achieving this is by using something that people are used to spending vast amounts of their concentration on – their smartphones.

By using an event app, you can engage your audience using a device they are comfortable with. Getting attendees to interact with your event by using an event app, whether that’s highlighting attendance, submitting questions to panels, or otherwise, is a great way to engage them and make your event memorable.

Create useful handouts

Supporting materials for your business can create a tangible link between what happens during your event and your brand. It gives attendees something to take away with them and reference at a later day as well.

This can result in a better brand recall when it comes to seeking out the products or services discussed at your business event. It positions you as known experts within your field who they have a prior experience with which can be vital when deciding who to work with.

Although this may seem like a small, throwaway inclusion, it can make all the difference when driving long-term action. Your audience may not reach out to your business immediately after your event, but by having a handout to check, the impact of your event can be felt months after you originally held it.

Leverage video content 

Short video segments within your business event can be great ways to display vast quantities of information in a quick, engaging manner. They can include infographics, visual demonstrations, or even interviews with valuable parties who cannot attend the business event.

Interspersing video content throughout your business event can help to invigorate your audience and create high-value branded content. This branded element will further reinforce your business within the minds of attendees and attribute the information from within the video to your business.

However, you will need to make sure it isn’t too long or poorly formatted. Video should be used to display content which cannot be delivered otherwise. Having an overly length video gives people a long opportunity to disengage. Using video to convey information which could otherwise be presented in person in a more energetic manner can also bore people.

These four tips together can help you to brush up your business event and create lasting impressions on your attendees. Part of what will make your event successful is also inviting the right people to your event. You will want those who are primed to listen to what you have to say and potentially have a previous interest in your business. This way, you can capitalise on a pre-existing interest and use your business event to drive further action. 

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