As soon as you start an online business, your revenue expectations may be huge. There is no problem with setting up a stellar website with excellent content and a couple of working marketing tools. But as time goes by, you might want to increase revenue streams. How can you make your website generate more money?
Luckily, the online market is rich in tricks and hacks for digital success. One of the ways to excel in your niche is to advance your UX/UI to a new level, bringing more value to visitors. So, instead of calculating the cost to hire UX designer, you should focus on revenue growth and online visibility. Here are a couple of workable techniques for boosting your website’s profitability.
#1 Stellar Content
Outstanding content is one of the best (and cheapest) ways to draw more visitors to your website. If you’re a talented writer with basic SEO skills, you’re sure to attract a relevant audience quickly.
But that’s only a part of the revenue generation equation. After you achieve a steady traffic flow to your website and increase your SEO ranking, you can start earning on the content. This scheme works in two ways:
- You can sell your articles with sponsored links. The client will pay you for article writing and advertising of their resource via the inclusion of their URL into the post.
- You can sell the publishing space on your resource. This option means that your clients will write articles on their own, including a sponsored URL in the text and sending the article to you for publication. You charge a lower fee for sponsored posting only, but overall, it’s more lucrative as you don’t do any work.
#2 Affiliate Marketing
Another method of earning money with your website is inserting affiliate marketing links into your posts. Obviously, you can’t just stuff the site with links to promoted products; nobody will attend a website with poor UX and usability. It works differently; you write interesting posts and spice them up with affiliate links in relevant places so that people perceive it as native advertising. This way, the sales rates increase, and your website is not accused of spam or irritating commercials.
#3 Pay-per-Click Advertising
A simpler way to generate profits from your web resource is pay-per-click advertising. It is less effective than native advertising and subtler affiliate marketing, but it still works. The Web gets smarter with advanced analytics and user tracking, so website visitors usually watch commercials relevant to their buying habits and preferences.
You don’t need to take any action or invest effort in setting up the advertising scheme. The only thing required from you is the allocation of empty space for advertisements on your web pages during their design. Some commercially oriented businesses place three to five banners on every page, but so much advertising may seem irritating and distracting for visitors. Thus, we recommend sticking to a maximum of two spots on the page where your partners will place their ads for visitor viewing.
#4 Ecommerce
A longer but surer path to online revenues is to set up an ecommerce business. If you follow this option, you need to create a brand that offers digital services or physical products for sale online. It may be a branded online store or a marketplace with numerous sellers; the sky is the limit to your imagination.
This revenue stream is much more predictable, giving you more profits if you invest in brand promotion and website visibility. The website’s UX is also critical; people will come to buy products and services from your resource if they find it appealing, simple, and user-friendly.
#5 Educational Resources
E-learning became a booming trend a couple of decades ago, and there’s still much room for new entrants. You can also reap the financial benefits of your expertise or talent by selling your educational services online. It can be pre-recorded masterclasses and lessons or live webinars and sessions. Anything will work if you have unique expertise and can share your knowledge with learners.
#6 Donations
You don’t need to earn money to gain profits from your website. Sounds pretty contradictory, doesn’t it? But in fact, it often happens that website owners don’t sell anything, still getting a steady income from their digital resources.
This goal may be easily achieved with the help of donations. Once you gather a dedicated tribe of followers ready to finance your activities, you can add a “Donate” button to your website. It will allow people who appreciate your content to support you and finance the website without external advertising and marketing efforts.
#7 Site Selling
Selling a successful digital resource is a completely different approach to making a website profitable. Naturally, it’s a one-time deal, and it means that you will never earn any more profits from your website. Still, for some people, it’s a workable business variant. Some web designers even specialize in commercial website production and promotion for further sales to other businesspeople. So, if you have web design skills and want to make website creation a profitable business, you can also experiment with this method.
#8 Premium Paid Content
In addition to getting paid for sponsored content and selling space for posts on your website, you can monetize the website with premium content offers. Let’s suppose you’re a talented blockchain analyst. You post interesting reviews and business insights in the blog. Still, interested readers can get more detailed analytics for a small fee. By setting premium content prices, you ensure that your writing effort doesn’t go in vain and provide yourself with a steady flow of income from target users.
The Internet Offers Hundreds of Chances
As you can see, the online space is a very lucrative industry where you can find tons of ways to earn money. You can produce websites and sell them to interested people once they start generating steady traffic. You can write excellent content and attract people to your resource to earn on paid posts. The opportunities are endless if you’re well-tuned in digital promotion and web design tools.