Why should you use telegram channels as a promotion tool?
Many potential investors and company owners wonder why crypto telegram groups are relevant. Let’s talk about some basic advantages of why any user should consider this messenger as one the most important toll to be informed about the world of blockchain?
First of all, Telegram is a free messenger that allows exchanging messages in real-time. You can send text messages, photo and video files and a message will be delivered in one second. It needs an internet connection but nowadays you can have Wi-Fi almost everywhere.
The next advantage is the fact that this messenger has all the needed tools to create a private or a public channel. Then anyone can subscribe to it and turn on the notifications that would be sent every time an admin will add a post. The subscriber count is unlimited – you can have an army of followers.
There are different types of chat. The chat can be secret when two members send messages inside a private channel. All messages are encrypted so no one can steal data unless a person that currently in chat will disclose it personally. There is also a group chat with different members. An admin can delete messages in this channel.
It is also worth mentioning that anyone can use bots. A bot is a special program that will send scripted messages. This toll is often used for promotion. And the last and the most used function is a channel where the admin or any other member is able to create a post. A channel can have a chat or a comment function.
Why should you use Telegram as a news provider? This messenger is updated. If there is any bug, the developers will fix it. This program has the best rating because it is extremely popular. Telegram is very easy to operate. The notifications are sent without any delays. All you need is an internet connection.
This is a new market for promotion managers and investors as well. You create posts and use big animated stickers. Add bots and commands to provide information for clients instantly. This messenger has been created for crypto-oriented users that want to receive daily news about blockchain technologies.
There are a lot of channels out there that will keep you informed. But it is relatively hard to find a reliable source of information. With a telegram channel, you can always have views because you can’t get rid of the notification until you actually see the post.
5 Best crypto telegram channels
It is pretty hard to find a channel or a TM channel that will meet the basic requirements – big subscriber counter, regular post and legit contact information. That is why it is advisable to trust a reliable source. We are ready to provide 5 variants that might interest most crypto oriented members:
- ICO Speaks News. This is the biggest channel provided by the company. This is one of the most popular groups with a big subscriber count.
- DeFi Million. If you are interested in De-Fi sphere this channel might be of use. The host of this group post regularly so you will be well informed.
- IEO Pools. This group will provide with latest ICO and IEO reviews. You will also find many useful posts – make sure you are subscribed.
- BTC Champ. This group is an exchange tool for everyone who wants to get cash without commission. It is better to subscribe so you will not lose it.
- ICO Speaks RU. This channel functions as the ICO Speaks News but most posts have been translated into Russian to make it adapt to the CIS audience.
These channels will be useful for everyone who wants to know more about the vast world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. These groups are reliable and informative. You can also chat in real-time on some of the mentioned channels.