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Top 3 Best-Selling Books about Motherhood


One of the strongest forces in the world is undoubtedly a mother. They can teach people the art of love when they are among us. Yet, if they are not present, they can leave behind a profound sense of loss. In the realm of fantastic literature, mothers come in various shapes and sizes, and although some reach the heights of grit and enduring love, others fall short or, worse still, turn into villains in their own right. The following three books provide compelling, courageous, and inspirational stories about mother love. These heartfelt books will provide the readers the detailed facts about mother love and give a reminder of exactly how strong a mother can be in everything that she is or is not, and range from heartwarming memoirs to fictional short stories on mother love that focus on grief and loss.

Finding Joy in the Journey

By Megan McCormick Cerda

Finding Joy in the Journey is the tale of my life, as, by the time I was 27, I had lost both of my parents to various cancers over five years. My mother passed away two months after I gave birth to my first kid. My parents instilled a strong sense of religion in me, growing up in a loving environment. To make the book flow better, I gave each chapter a song title I had listened to. Life may be incredibly challenging, and storms can continue to rage even when we least anticipate them. However, God can make suffering and loss joyful. I hope to connect with someone who has also experienced challenging conditions in life.

Peace: Hope and Healing for the Anxious Momma’s Heart

By Becky Thompson

Christian women have been told for years that they could find greater peace if they just prayed more, had more conviction, and held the utmost Jesus. What does it mean, though, when a Christian mother keeps worrying? How does she balance her belief in God with her feelings of apprehension? And how can she raise her kids in a tranquil environment when she doesn’t feel peaceful?

Best-selling author Becky Thompson, who holds a degree in biblical studies, has experienced firsthand the debilitating consequences of anxiety, a condition she has worked hard to overcome for most of her life. The fear she experiences is not a matter of faith for her or many others. Over 40 million people are affected physically by it.

Becky approaches the topic of anxiety and how it affects your mind, body, and spirit from a practical and spiritual perspective as she explores the connection between the biblical promise of peace and the realities of life, parenting, and anxiety.

Peace finds moms in the fear-filled forest where they have felt alienated and alone and leads them toward hope by reassuring them that millions of other women travel the same bleak, uncharted paths as they do and that their lack of faith is not a sign that their faith is weak. For the Christian mother needing sound counsel based on a sound doctrine that is given in a way that helps her feel understood and significantly less alone on her Journey, Peace is a lifeline.

Mom, I Want to Hear Your Story: A Mother’s Guided Journal To Share Her Life & Her Love

By Jeffrey Mason

Mom, I Want to Hear Your Story is a best-selling novel with facts about motherhood for readers to learn. This heartfelt book includes everything from a mother’s early memories to the significant moments that changed her life. Each deliberate part allows the mother to communicate and expose her life story and memories to the readers while establishing a lasting legacy. In addition, it includes professionally prepared questions in an intuitive style.

Think about reading the specifics of your mother’s life and Journey. Then, consider all you will learn about her when she tells you about herself and her experiences. Then, expect the wealth of memories she will provide for your family.

Mom, I Want to Hear Your Story is a stunning tale about a unique woman who is the center of the family. Tens of thousands of people have used this wildly successful line of guided memory diaries from Hear Your Story® Books and author Jeffrey Mason to document and save their life stories and leave a priceless, enduring legacy for their families.

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