
Top 10 Mistakes People Make When Switching to Solar

Are you thinking about making the switch to solar energy? If so, you’re not alone – more and more people are choosing to go solar every year. But before you make the switch, it’s important to be aware of some of the most common mistakes people make when transitioning to solar.

By avoiding these mistakes, you’ll be able to ensure a smooth and successful transition to solar energy. So what are the top 10 mistakes people make when going solar? Read on to find out!

Being choosy about what solar panels they get

Many things can affect your solar panel efficiency, such as how aligned they are with the sun, but most importantly, what type of cells you use.

People tend to pick either mono-cells or poly-cells. But both types have their advantages and disadvantages. You can learn more about these types of cells in our solar switch review.

For example, poly-cells are very efficient at converting sunlight into electricity, but they are also more expensive and require special handling due to their composition (the cell walls contain cyanide, for instance). Conversely, mon-cells are much less expensive, but they aren’t quite as effective at turning light into energy.

Thinking their house is unfit for solar

Even if you make the effort to clean up an old panel or two, you may still find that your house is too noisy or low-padded for solar energy. Your best chance of making this work will be by adding insulation where necessary.

Also, depending on how much sun you get, you might want to consider putting in a tank or two of battery storage. This helps smooth out the variability of the power grid so it feels more reliable.

And don’t forget about wind power! Many people neglect the contribution that off-grid renewable electricity can make, but powerful as it is, clean coal technology isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. By having alternative sources such as wind and solar, you give yourself some pieces of mind and protection from what could become an increasingly costly upgrade to regular utility infrastructure.

Not doing their research

Too many people don’t do enough research before buying anything. Online reviews help, but you also need to make your inspection of the product. It isn’t expensive; in fact, it is very cheap if you consider what purchasing other items can cost.

Also note that researching online will tell you more about how things work end-to-end, which is important, nothing replaces taking something apart and seeing how it works. You’ll have no idea what goes on inside of some devices, like computers or smartphones, but this shouldn’t prevent you from buying them.

Research is best done when you are already interested in a topic and want to know more. Once you start looking into solar power, for example, you should then investigate why it is cheaper than traditional sources.

Buying equipment online

online shopping is very popular these days. It allows people to get access to a wide variety of goods quickly without having to go to a store. But with online shopping, there are risks you need to know about.

Many times people will purchase an item because it’s listed at a discounted price and they don’t think too much about it. You may find out later that the product has issues such as being defective or coming with special offers only.

It is always best to check every detail before making any purchases. Downloading catalogs or looking through manuals can help you do this more effectively.

Also, make sure that you are getting a good deal and not just something for a lower price. Check around and see what other people are paying for the same thing. Then you have some reference points by which you could decide if it’s a good value.

Finally, ensure that you are secure buying things online. Having a credit card attached to your account prevents fraud. Also, websites have security systems in place that prevent non-authorized users from accessing your information.

Expecting their windows to generate as much power as their roof

Even if you have a small budget for solar, don’t expect your window panels to produce as much energy as your entire roof does. Your house needs to account for this loss of energy, which is one reason why fuel-based sources usually cost more than renewable ones.

Also, while your windows may be able to produce some electricity, they are likely not designed specifically to do so. It will take time and effort to ask developers to incorporate an electric device into your windows, or you can also work with outside companies.

Finally, other structural concerns such as how easily water flows through the building and whether there are leaks in the foundation may influence what kind of solar system you install.

Trying to generate too much power

One of the most common mistakes people make when going solar is trying to produce more power than they can use. This can be difficult to do, especially if you’re using energy efficiency techniques to reduce your monthly bill.

By having less need for outside maintenance, home batteries allow us to use less raw material in our homes. Also, by not needing constant refueling, they save time and money.

However, with many different types of battery technologies available today, it’s easy to spend far too much money on them. Hardly anyone started their journey towards sustainability without wanting access to unlimited clean energy, so this section offers some tips for that.

There are several ways to go about creating backup energy. The first thing to realize is that we already have very efficient methods for producing electricity, which is expensive.

It costs $0.80 to create 1 kWh of electricity from coal, but only $1.20 to create 1 kWh from sunlight here on Earth. Money spent on installing chips into laptops or servers to capture daylight hours and decrease lighting wattage would also pay off in lower bills.

Another cost-effective measure is putting a filter over the sunniest window in your house. By filtering out the light, you darken the room while still allowing the winter light through.

Not having a backup plan

Even with the best intentions, things can go wrong before you ever get to install your solar panels. And it’s not like you can call up your cousin and have her buy them for you. You need to have a way to always take care of those issues yourself.

It is hard to quantify how much money you will save by using power from clean sources rather than running traditional utilities. But estimated costs are going down all the time, making it easier to justify the cost.

You also don’t want to put too many eggs in one basket, so make sure that if you start getting low on money, you still have other sources of energy to fall back on.

Not teaching their family about solar

Even if you don’t trust the solar company or know someone who bought a solar panel, telling your friends and relatives is incredibly important. They can help convince other people to go solar.

Furthermore, you can show them how to do it themselves!

There are many ways to teach others about solar energy, from written manuals to online blogs and tweets. But no matter which method you choose, remember that for there to be a success, everyone must understand what this alternative source of power means to our environment and economy.

Therefore, teach yourself as well as anyone else. The more individuals who understand the process behind going solar, the better chance we have of maintaining our current level of innovation and efficiency.

Consider taking summer courses at community centers like yours to educate youth on the importance of keeping the air clean to stay healthy.

Making assumptions

Even if you’re aware of the fact that solar energy is reliable, flexible, and affordable, maybe you have some misconceptions about how to go about it.

This can lead to financial difficulty or inaccurate calculations. A lot of people make the mistake of assuming that their roof is flat, and therefore do not take its shape into account when estimating their system’s size.

They also may assume that they will get a fair price for their house, which is difficult to find out by just looking around.

Another common assumption is that going solar is easy. But it takes effort to install a panel array, keep track of your usage, and maintain the system over time.

You also need to be able to recognize opportunities to reduce the cost of energy production. If you’re in the market for a new power socket, for example, consider investing in one with better insulation.


Making the switch to solar panels is a big decision. It’s important to do your research and make sure you’re aware of the mistakes people often make when making the switch.

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