Cryptocurrency trading is a very fast market and many people find that keeping up with the speed of the different coins and tokens can be a very tedious task. Constant monitoring of fluctuating assets, market trends, and other activities can be tough.
But thanks to MeoTools, traders and investors don’t have to keep glued to their screens anymore.
MeoTools Provides A Holistic Ecosystem
MeoTools team consists of crypto veterans who have had to go through the same problems as all people in the industry. Combining their experience, they noted down the biggest issues that have kept people awake at odd hours and spending every waking minute to manage their digital assets and have come up with a holistic solution, all wrapped into one powerful dashboard.
The service comes with key metrics integrated, such as assets price, market conditions, and sentiments so users do not have to go to different websites or media platforms to know the latest market trends. Furthermore, the MeoTools dashboard also integrates trading functionality such as portfolio tracking, token swaps, and price alerts.
One of the most prominent features of MeoTools is that, unlike other services which support a limited number of coins or tokens, it aggregates data for thousands. The support is not only extended to data collection and analysis but also exchanging, making MeoTools not only a one-of-a-kind app but a must-have in today’s crypto environment.
The MeoTools Environment
MeoTools achieves this by creating a complete ecosystem where multiple functionalities come together as one to provide all the services and solutions a modern crypto trading needs, all under one roof.
The Explorer allows users to see different kinds of trading charts and glean information that will help them make better decisions. Using the Alert function with this, specific and flexible price notifications can be set that will inform users when a particular coin or token has risen or fallen to a preferred price.
While there are thousands of coins in the market and a portfolio of a user can extend to have a wide variety, the Portfolio Tracker keeps track of all the assets, even when kept in different wallets. The prices are reflected in real time and if a new token is added to the portfolio, it can also be manually integrated into the app.
The Swap function is just like an exchange, allowing traders and investors to create multiple stop losses or take profit orders to mitigate any chances of losses or extract profits at desired levels.
MeoTools also comes with a governance option under its DAO and users can vote for different upgrades or additions to the services that they would like to see in the future.
MeoTools also comes with a mobile app version, allowing traders to handle or view their portfolio and set up different orders on the go using their iOS or Android devices.
The MEO Token
The underlying token that powers the whole ecosystem is the native MEO token. Currently, MEO holders are given the benefit of lower fees or access to advanced features, but as more functionalities are built on into the token, the holders will see increased benefits of holding on to the asset.
The MEO token also comes with a special 7% tax on all transactions, designed to bring stability and long-term variability to the MeoTools ecosystem. This consists of 2% being redistributed to holders, 4% going to the liquidity pools, and 1% set aside for the development fund.
Currently MEO token is available on BSC as a BEP-20 standard token, but with plans to integrate other chains into the tool, it will also be launched on Ethereum and Polygon.