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Tommy Shek explains How to use Twitter to find potential customers & clients

Tommy Shek

Twitter is a social network that has been around for less than a decade. It is one of the fastest-growing networks and it is used by celebrities, politicians and major companies says Tommy Shek. Many people are using Twitter to get in touch with customers, find business partners or even look for jobs. If you have not considered using Twitter to promote your business or connect with people you should consider changing course.

Twitter offers many different tools to help you reach out to potential clients or employers and there are no limits to how often you can use these tools. You will never be penalized because of over-use and you will gain experience as well as connections that may lead to long-term success.

Let’s take a closer look at 7 most effective ways to use Twitter in your search for potential customers or clients.

1. Use the Twitter Search Engine

The Twitter search engine is very powerful and it can be used to find people who are talking about your industry or business. You can also use it to find people who are looking for products or services that you offer. To do this, simply go to the search bar on Twitter and enter relevant keywords. For example, if you are a plumber, you could enter “looking for a plumber” or “plumbing services.”

2. Follow Relevant Accounts

Once you have used the search engine to find relevant accounts, you should follow them says Tommy Shek. This will give you access to their tweets and will allow you to engage with them. Many people will follow you back, which will give you access to their followers as well.

3. Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to find relevant tweets and to get your own tweets seen by more people. To use hashtags, simply include them in your tweets. For example, if you are tweeting about a sale on plumbing supplies, you could use the hashtag “#plumbing sale.”

4. Engage with Other Users

Once you have found relevant accounts and started using hashtags, you should start engaging with other users. This can be done by liking, commenting on or retweeting their tweets. You can also send direct messages (DMs) to other users. When engaging with other users, it is important to be polite and professional.

5. Promote Your Business

According to Tommy Shek once you have built up a rapport with other users, you can start promoting your business. This can be done by tweeting about your products or services, or by providing links to your website or blog. You can also promote your business by offering special deals or discounts to twitter followers.

6. Monitor Your Progress

It is important to monitor your progress on Twitter so that you can identify potential areas of improvement. To do this, simply track metrics like the number of followers you have, how many times your tweets are retweeted and what people are saying about your business. You can also use tools like TweetDeck or Hootsuite to help with monitoring.

7. Use Video

Video is becoming increasingly popular on social media sites like Twitter, so it is a good idea to incorporate it into your promotional strategy. Tommy Shek says this could be as simple as sharing a quick video tour of your shop or office, or using Periscope to stream live events in real time.

These are just a few of the ways that you can use Twitter to find potential customers or clients. If you are not already using this social network, now is the time to start. With a little effort, you can quickly build up a large following and start connecting with potential customers or employers.


Twitter can be a powerful tool for finding potential customers or employers. To make the most of this social network, simply use the search engine to find relevant accounts, follow them, and engage with other users. You can also promote your business by tweeting about your products or services, or by offering special deals and discounts. Finally, don’t forget to monitor your progress so that you can identify areas of improvement. With a little effort, you can quickly build up a large following on Twitter and start connecting with potential customers or employers.


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