Finance News

Tips to Make A Good Financial Plan in Your 30s

If you are in your 30s, then you must have a good financial plan. It is the best time to make one because you are young and healthy. You already know about retirement planning, but for those who don’t know, it is a way of saving money so that when you retire, it will be enough to support yourself without working anymore.

Create a vision for your financial goals

Start by creating a list of financial goals. Once you’ve made that list, write down the steps necessary to achieve each goal and put dates and times on them. You can start with big dreams like buying a house or travelling around the world and work down from there as far as you want to go (or need). Having specific goals also helps keep you motivated; once they’re written down, there’s no turning back.

Learn how to budget

Budgeting is one of the easiest ways to make sure that you’re spending your money in a way that aligns with your financial goals.

But how do you create a budget? You can use online tools to track your budget. These services will help you track your spending and income over time. 

Once your savings goals are set and accounted for in this way—and even before then—it’s important to have some idea of how much money comes in each month so that those goals aren’t unattainable just because they weren’t based on reality. If possible, try living off just one paycheck per month so that all other income sources go directly into savings. 

Save for an emergency fund

The next step to creating a sound financial future is to save for an emergency fund. While it may be tempting to use your savings for other things, having a healthy emergency fund is crucial. In case of unexpected car repairs or home repair costs, or even if you lose your job, savings can help you stay afloat until you find another opportunity.

You should aim to have six months’ worth of living expenses saved before taking any risks with your money and that includes putting all extra money toward saving up this sum (so no more dining out!). Keep in mind that the amount needed will vary from person to person based on their lifestyle and expenses; however, we recommend starting by saving at least $1,000 before moving on from there.

Once you’ve reached this goal and established a healthy amount of savings in an accessible account like an online bank account or high-yield savings account (which typically offer higher rates than traditional banks), make sure it’s easily accessible in case of emergencies—like having $100 ready on hand when the power goes out or paying for groceries when funds are suddenly tight due). Then come up with solutions for how often this emergency fund needs refilling so that it doesn’t become depleted every time there’s some unexpected expense.

Create a savings account

A savings account is essential for any financial plan. It holds your money until you are ready to spend it. If you are tempted to spend all of your paychecks each month or use your credit card, a savings account can help you resist that urge by forcing you to keep some of your money separate from other purchases.

Pay off all your debts, including credit cards and loans, as soon as possible

Debt isn’t just something that’s a drag on your finances. It can also be stressful and expensive. And worst of all: debt is a burden that keeps on growing as interest rates accumulate over time—in other words, it never goes away on its own.

So how should you go about paying off debt? Start by paying more than the minimum balance due each month (if possible). Anything extra will reduce the total amount owed faster, which means less interest paid over time (and less money spent in total). If needed, consider using any savings or investments to pay down even more quickly—but only if they don’t have other uses later down the road (like retirement or college funds).

Contribute to a retirement plan

As you get closer to retirement, it’s important to start contributing to a retirement plan. The amount you contribute will vary depending on your goals, income and how much money is in your account. In general, aim for at least 15% of your income (preferably more) to go into a 401(k) or other retirement plans.

If your employer offers matching contributions on what you put into the plan, take full advantage of this perk. Ask about automatic payroll deductions so that you don’t have to do anything extra when it comes time to put money away for retirement every month.

Invest in Cryptocurrency and Stocks

You’re probably aware of the cryptocurrency craze that has been sweeping the world, and for good reason. There are very few investments that offer such a high return on investment as cryptocurrency (and yes, some people have their fair share of gains and losses).

However, it takes a lot of research to figure out which cryptocurrencies to invest in and how much they should cost you. So before you jump head-first into this pool of pure speculation, make sure you have done your research first. If you don’t know where to start, take a look into Dan Hollings The Plan reviews. You will find some useful information to help you decide to invest in cryptocurrency.

Moreover, if you are considering investing in stocks, you want something more traditional than crypto but still want your money to grow over time then stocks might be right up your alley. Especially, if you’re looking for long-term growth rather than short-term gains like with cryptocurrencies

Stocks are investments made by companies or other organizations in order to raise capital from outside sources or expand their operations without needing cash from shareholders or bank loans. These can be sold back on exchanges so people can turn them into cash when needed (which makes them easy options for anyone who needs income now).

Spend money on experiences rather than possessions

Spending money on experiences rather than possessions is a good way to create a financial plan in your 30s. Experiences tend to be more memorable, and they’re also more likely to bring you happiness. They can help you make memories with other people, which is always important for creating social support networks that help us through stressful times. Experiences may even help fill the voids in our lives caused by loneliness or isolation; as we grow older, we need strong relationships with others more than ever before.

Finally, experiences are often tied up with nature and our roots—a hike through the forest might remind you of childhood summers spent camping out near the lake; eating at a restaurant might bring back memories of family dinners at home; or taking an afternoon nap could lead you down memory lane when it comes time for bedtime stories as well.


As you can see, making a good financial plan is not an easy task. However, it is important to take some time and make sure that your finances are in order when entering into this next phase of your life. It will save you money and stress in the long run if you make sure that everything is taken care of now rather than later.

Article by Emily Lamp

Emily Lamp is a freelance writer, working closely with many aspiring thinkers and entrepreneurs from various companies. She is also interested in self-improvement, entrepreneurship and technology. Say hi to Emily on Twitter @EmilyLamp2.

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