Jom Chung has successfully mentored +5,000 students at the age of 17 and had generated over 10 million dollars as of the end of 2022 with crypto, trading stocks and selling his courses,
he started trading at the age of 10 years in 2015 started in crypto with 2,000 dollars lended by a “friend’s dad” to generate over 10 million dollars in 2022, Jom is currently investing 70% of his money claiming that these will give him 10,000x in gains, as Jom sees an incredible opportunity with the current recession, that he thinks it’s going to get everyone huge gains as Bitcoin crashes, he had a vision, and decided to share it to thousands of his current students
Jom Chung: Its a golden ticket opportunity of a lifetime, were very close of the current market cycle, these events just happen every 4-5 years, and this is your last chance, before it takes off.
How did you decide to invest in cryptocurrencies in 2015 at the age of 10?
Jom Chung: When I was in Mississippi, US, my friend’s dad, whom I consider my father, introduced the crypto world to me; he talked about how it was going to be the future and how it was going to end Wall Street, I was so intrigued as I decided listen more from him and was gifted 2,000 dollars from him to invest in crypto, after that I decided to live with my friends dad at the age of 11 and keep learning from him, so I always had a mentor, and I think having a mentor is super important; without one, you can’t get far.
Tell me about your past
Jom Chung: I was born in Panama, my family was always struggling financially and I never got along with my family in fact I hated them, that’s why I always had a strong desire to get out of my house and get rich, then we moved to Mississippi, US when I was 10, I met my friend’s dad whom introduced me to trading, bitcoin and told me that bitcoin was going to change the world, I decided to live with them at the age of 11 and my parents didn’t care much, then my friend’s dad started to teach all about crypto and trading for 2 years, I had gone full time learning and investing in crypto since I was 11 years old; I woke up and the first thing I do is read about trading, investing, or crypto, while having breakfast I talked to my friend’s dad about crypto; after lunch, I studied trading or were investing in a new coin; and after dinner, I researched a lot; I always had the mindset to get rich; and then I started investing in other high risk crypto and stock as I saw how Bitcoin was blowing up with my mentor.
How’d you make your first million dollars?
Jom Chung: I’ve made my first million taking various trading investments in crypto and stock, this was at the age of 15 in 2020, then I decided to teach people about crypto, investing and trading, that generated me over 5 million dollars over the pandemic, and as of 2022 I have generated over 10 million dollars with trading and selling my courses.
Who on earth was buying crypto courses of a 15 year old kid?
Jom Chung: good question, NOBODY, but I had my brother at that time he was 28 years old he was helping me create the content, he just put his face and I give him all my knowledge about trading in stocks, investing and crypto, I was the one who designed the website, the courses, and everything, he was getting 40% and I was getting 60% of the total profits.