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Things to know about renting in Manchester

Rent Technology

I’m sure you’re already familiar with the charms of Manchester, and your soul has already travelled across the ocean to wander under the romantic night sky of the city. But fantasies must be shattered by reality, and before you can live comfortably in Manchester, you need to find a place for your body to live.


Can I complain to my landlord about renting an apartment in Manchester? 


You can complain directly to your landlord. If your landlord has a complaints handling channel, you can use this to file a complaint, for example, some of the regular housing agents have a dedicated complaints handling department and staff, you can call and ask or find the information on the agent’s website. If your landlord does not have a complaints handling channel, or if you do not know where to complain, it is logical for the tenant to make a written complaint, writing down all the matters you wish to complain about, and then asking the landlord to investigate and make enquiries, again, they will need to respond to you in writing with the outcome and how they will deal with it. If you are not satisfied with their response or if your landlord does not respond to your complaint, you can file a complaint with Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) or go to court.


What should I know about safety when renting in Manchester? 

Before renting, you should check with your agent or landlord that all electrical appliances in the property have been tested (Portable ApplianceTesting) and you should ask to see the test certificate to confirm this. You should also check that the house is equipped with smoke alarms or burglar alarms, and if the landlord provides the furniture, you should check that it complies with the new UK fire safety regulations. Before renting, you should check that the interior of the house is in good condition, that there are no signs of any damp or peeling paint, and that there is central heating, as it is still quite cold in the UK in winter and it is essential to check that the heating is working properly. Many international students have to buy their own separate electric heaters in winter because the heating in their homes is broken or not warm.

If you are renting a flat in Manchester, you will have to apply for these things yourself. If you are sharing a flat and just renting a bedroom, then usually the landlord will provide this. If you need to handle these things yourself, remember to check with your agent or landlord to find out which companies provide the existing services in your current flat (i.e. those used by your previous tenants) and then contact those companies, provide your Manchester student accommodation address and set up an account in your Manchester student apartments . Similarly, when it is time for you to move out, contact those companies to close your account so that your next tenant can continue to apply for an access.

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