Tech News

Things To Consider When Choosing A Mobile Phone

Due to the emergence of new technologies and devices such as smartphones and tablets, people around the world have been able to experience different benefits of connectivity and immediacy that have contributed to changing the way of being, both in social spaces and in work environments worked.

In the same way, these mobile devices have been transformed to continue offering additional benefits that are adapted to the current requirements of users such as smaller size, more portability, and greater performance, which in turn allow better performance and in the case of companies, allows them to generate value for their customers, reduce costs and improve processes with Jak Electronics.

Now, even though the world is revolving around IT advances, some sectors are still not fully aware of the various benefits of acquiring this type of technology, such as increased productivity and improved working conditions. Because they face different challenges such as lack of budget and ignorance of the advantages.

There are 2.5 million micro, small, and medium-sized companies in the country, and according to Dane, Mipymes generate around 67% of employment and contribute 28% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but many of these still do not have a device infrastructure that allows them to be more productive and generate innovative channels with their customers, so the opportunities in this field are vast.

Colombian SMEs can have access to the best technology at an affordable price

Below, we list some factors that we consider important for SMEs to take into account when purchasing devices:

1. Brand:    

Check the technical specifications of the equipment regardless of whether the brand is well-known or not. Some features will be heavily advertised that are not necessarily useful for your business and others that are not highlighted enough. When purchasing work tools for your staff, it is important that you get what will make your work more efficient and pay for the specifications you need.

Be open to new options. More and more in the market, there are new brands that can be a very good solution for your company and that compete strongly with traditional brands in quality, price, and innovation.

2. Battery:

A good battery is essential for your staff to always be connected and productive. In this sense, the technology integrated into the device determines and makes the difference between a highly durable device and others. For example, with Mediatek’s CorePilot technology, the processor optimizes the use of its processing cores, considerably improving battery use, and, depending on the applications being used, savings of more than 25% can be obtained.

3. RAM:

The speed with which a mobile device can execute the tasks entrusted to it depends largely on the capacity of its RAM and its relationship with the processor, that is, by having a greater capacity of this memory, the user will obtain more speed on their device. . For example, the Android operating system requires a minimum RAM of 512 Mb to work, however, it is recommended to have 1 Gb for optimal device operation. Not all processors can provide a good user experience with 512 Mb. RAM is still one of the most expensive components in a Smartphone, so always check its capacity according to the applications you are going to use. Starting with the new Android N operating system, the minimum required will be 1G.

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